gotta go

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CW: bxb, cinema date gone wrong (?), piss kink, a lil bit of torture, in public, they don't actually fxck.

*Also I never actually watched the movie I mentioned so the descriptions may not be accurate*

*Also I never actually watched the movie I mentioned so the descriptions may not be accurate*

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Seonghwa's fit

Hongjoong's fit

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Hongjoong's fit

"Two tickets for avengers endgame at 2pm, please."

"Sure. Would you like popcorn or beverage?"

Seonghwa looked at hongjoong, who nodded and pointed at the 2-person combo meal on the menu.

"We'll get that. Thank you."

Once the pair got their food and tickets, they settled at the waiting area as seating had not began yet. "Joong-ah, I'm going to use the bathroom before we go in. Wanna come?" Seonghwa said, putting his bag down on the bench.

"Hmm, I'm good. I'll watch over our stuff," The blue haired boy said confidently. He already went this morning. Plus, he had a big bladder and was used to holding it for long periods of time like at dance practice, so a 3 hour movie was nothing to him. He picked up the straw and poked it through the cup lid to take a sip of his soda while waiting for his boyfriend.

When seonghwa came back, they noticed that people began to file towards the respective auditoriums. "Ga-ja," the black haired boy said before planting a gentle peck on hongjoong's cheek.

The auditorium was surprisingly empty, perhaps it was because the movie had been out for a while. The boys made their way to their seats, around the middle of the room, and got comfortable. Soon after, the movie began.

It was a whole lotta action and mesmerizing battles, with occasional 'woahs' and 'wows' from the other moviegoers. Hongjoong and seonghwa weren't die-hard marvel fans, but they kept up with the franchise enough to know what was happening.

Throughout the movie, seonghwa took his time to sip his soda, hoping to have some extra for afterwards.
And hongjoong, oh hongjoong. He took most of the popcorn, followed by big gulps of his drink to wash it down. Bit by bit, he could feel this stomach getting full, bladder slowly beginning to stretch.

At the 2 and a half hour mark, the blue haired boy started squirming in his seat, closing his legs together as tight as he could, both hands clenched over his crotch to control himself. That's when he really regreted not going to the bathroom prior to the movie, or at least he should've gotten a medium instead of a large drink. He tried to distract himself from the overwhelming pressure building up in his abdomen, concentrate on the movie since it was nearing the end. The most important part.

It wasn't working.

And seonghwa noticed. He turned to face hongjoong and said with a chuckle:"struggling to hold it huh? I asked you if you wanted to go earlier."

"Seong-seonghw-a. I gotta go really bad. I- I need to pee." Hongjoong begged, gripping onto seonghwa's arm and whimpering softly.

"There's only 20 minutes left. You can do it. Hold it."

His demanding tone made hongjoong's cock twitch slightly. If seonghwa said hold it, he had to hold it.

Those 20 minutes felt like 20 years. As soon as the credits began rolling, hongjoong got up, hand still over his crotch, and dashed out the exit, only to be blocked by a crowd of people who were also leaving via the staircase.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He felt as if he was gonna piss his pants right there. Suddenly, a warm hand pressed against the small of his back and all he heard were the words:" excuse us please move."

Seonghwa grabbed his boyfriends wrist and pulled them through the crowd. Each step down the stairs was agonizing as hongjoong felt his exploding bladder bounce up and down.

They finally got out of the theatre. But just as he was about to run to the restroom, seonghwa continued to pull him OUT OF THE MALL.

"Wa-wait, seonghwa-ya. Toilet first!!" He practically yelled, briskly walking with his legs awkwardly turned inward. His attempts to stop and turn back failed. He felt like he was going to explode.

"STOP! Please...I- I can't anymore," hongjoong wailed.

Just then, seonghwa turned round a corner and into an alley at the back of the mall, not another soul in sight. With hongjoong's back against the wall he swiftly pulled out his soda cup from the backpack's side pocket and shoved the straw into the blue haired boy's mouth. "Finish the rest."

Hongjoong aggressively shook his head, hands tugging at the zipper of his shorts. "Come on baby, finish the soda and I'll let you pee," Seonghwa said in a more soothing tone. That seemed to work. The younger sucked every last drop before bursting into tears.

"Good boy," seonghwa praised as he got on his knees and unzipped the boy's shorts, pulling everything down to the ankles.

"Do it in my mouth."

Hongjoong didn't even attempt to hold back. With one hand holding his cock, and the other gripping seonghwa's hair, tilting his face up, he aimed into his boyfriend's open mouth and released. A steady stream at first, as he watched with blurry eyes: his yellow liquid filling up before being swallowed like a literal urinal. Once he ensured seonghwa got the hang of it, as seen from the hand pushing against his abdomen, he let everything go, releasing faster and more forceful. Some even shot across the black haired boy's face.

Seonghwa also finished every last drop.

With a shiver, hongjoong was emptied. The pain from his bladder being stretched to the limits was still lingering, and he still felt like peeing even though there was nothing left. "Sorry hyung...I got some on your face." Hongjoong said as he pulled out some tissues to wipe it away.

"You taste so good. Warm, a little bitter, but so so good, you know that?" Hearing that, hongjoong's face went red, he didn't want to cry again out of embarrassment. But seonghwa helped him get his shorts on before picking him up, legs hanging from each side of his waist as he used one hand to stroke the younger's back soothingly. Hongjoong slowly felt the weight lift off his chest. Then their lips met. Hongjoong could taste himself on seonghwa's tongue and it wasn't the most pleasant thing ever. Still, the pair made out for at least 5 minutes.

"Seonghwa hyung?" He said as they left the alley, arms still round his boyfriend's neck. "Hm?"

"What about you? Do you need to go?"

"I can wait till we get home. Then you're gonna return me the favour." The older teased, planting a firm smack on the younger's ass.

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