Chapter 4: A Teacher's Problem

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Ext. Café Leblanc – Later

Akira and Makoto make their way to the front door of Leblanc.

Makoto Niijima: Today wasn't a very successful day, was it?

Akira Kurusu: No, not really. We didn't learn much on this girl and my junk is still recovering from that brutal sneak attack she pulled. Seriously though, thanks for having my back.

Morgana pops his head out of Akira's backpack.

Morgana: MAN, STOP COMPLAINING! Do you have any idea what I would give to have that girl grab me like that?

Akira Kurusu: There wouldn't be much to grab...

Morgana scratches Akira with one of his paws.

Akira Kurusu: Ow.

Makoto picks up Morgana and starts to hold him in her arms.


Makoto Niijima: I felt like holding you.

Morgana: Well...okay, then but...ask for permission next time.

Makoto hugs Morgana and smiles to herself.

Morgana: AYE, GROSS! HELP! HELP! HER TITS ARE...well, they definitely aren't smothering me...

Makoto Niijima: Sometimes, I just want to give your big grouchy ass a hug. You're so soft.

Morgana: I...ya know, this doesn't feel too bad...

Morgana starts purring as Akira smiles to himself. Akira opens the front door to Leblanc and him and Makoto make their way inside.

Int. Café Leblanc – Continuous

Akira and Makoto make their way into Leblanc and Sojiro looks up from his newspaper and sees Makoto coddling Morgana. Sojiro smiles.

Sojiro Sakura: Seems like the little guy is starting to warm up to you.

Makoto Niijima: You think so?

Sojiro Sakura: Yeah. Also, kid, uh...there's a...maid in your room.

Akira Kurusu: A...maid?

Sojiro Sakura: Yeah, she said she needed to talk to you about something.

Sojiro frowns at Akira.

Sojiro Sakura: Look, I don't care what you do in your free time but asking for maid service while being in a relationship is kind of..."sus", as the kids these days would call it.

Morgana: Nice boomer moment there, Chief.

Makoto speaks, sadly.

Makoto Niijima: Akira, you didn't tell me you were requesting maid service. Are you that lonely...I thought we were good...

Akira Kurusu: WAIT! I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN...wait, I know what this is. Come on, follow me.

Akira and Makoto make their way up the stairs to the attic while Sojiro watches them.

Int. Café Leblanc – Continuous

Akira and Makoto are now in the attic and are greeted to Sadayo Kawakami in her maid outfit sweeping Akira's room for him. Kawakami looks up.

Sadayo Kawakami: WELCOME HOME, MASTER...

Kawakami notices that Makoto is with Akira.

Sadayo Kawakami: For fuck's sake.

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