Chapter 3: Overly Nice and Downright Sadistic

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Int. Niijima Residence – Evening

Makoto is inside of her room, lying down on her bed. She's holding an ice pack on where she was cut, earlier.

Makoto Niijima: Ow. I didn't think it would bruise this badly.

Makoto's phone vibrates, indicating that she's gotten a text. Makoto picks up her phone and checks it. She's gotten a text from Eiko. It reads, "Hey, are you and Akira still down to do that double date thing?"

Makoto Niijima: Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that.

Makoto starts typing her response and SENDS it. Her response reads, "Yeah, that should be fine. Just let me know the day and time."

Makoto Niijima: I haven't heard her talk about her boyfriend in a while; I wonder if everything is...

Makoto hears a knock on her bedroom door. Makoto places her phone back on her nightstand.

Makoto Niijima: Come in.

Sae opens the door to Makoto's room and makes her way inside.

Makoto Niijima: Oh, hey sis. Did you need something?

Sae Niijima: No, I was just checking on you. I just got back about five minutes ago.

Sae notices the ice pack that Makoto's applying to her stomach.

Sae Niijima: Did something happen?

Makoto Niijima: Oh, the ice? Yeah, I just hurt myself during my Aikido workout. It's nothing serious.

Sae Niijima: Alright, then. Just be careful. You've been getting a lot better, lately. I don't want you to push yourself too hard.

Makoto Niijima: Don't worry. I won't.

Sae Niijima: Right. I'm...uh...ordering takeout. Did you want anything?

Makoto Niijima: No thanks. I already ate with the others, earlier.

Sae Niijima: Okay. As long as you're eating. Well, rest up. I don't want you to have to spend your entire summer injured.

Makoto Niijima: Thanks sis, I will.

Sae makes her way out of Makoto's room and closes the door behind her. Makoto sighs.

Makoto Niijima: That one girl could be a real problem. I need to be careful, though. I could feel myself getting angry around her...I don't want to show the others that side of me, especially Akira.

Makoto sits up, on her bed, still holding the ice pack on her bruised region.

Makoto Niijima: I just need to be more calm during our next encounter, that's all. Still...there's something about her...

Makoto starts thinking to herself about the Beauty Thief character. She's interrupted by her phone vibrating, again. She picks up her phone to check it. She sees that she's gotten a text from Akira. She opens the text on her phone and it's a picture of a beautiful field of flowers that spell out the words "send nudes."

Makoto Niijima: Huh?

Makoto gets another text from Akira that reads "Sorry, Morgana got a hold of my phone. He's hornier than usual. Just ignore that last message!" Another message from Akira kicks in that reads, "Love you, though! Hope you're feeling better!" The text has several tiny hearts at the end of it.

Makoto Niijima: Hm...what should I send back? How did he even send the hearts?

Makoto starts messing around on her phone, trying to figure out how to send emojis on it. Makoto speaks in disappointment.

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