Chapter 19: Ideal Future

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Int. Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital – Continuous 

Kawakami smiles, knowingly, as Akira stares at her, mouth agape, by what she's insinuating. Kawakami chuckles, again.

Sadayo Kawakami: Judging by your priceless expression, I'm assuming that I was right on the money with my deduction. Don't worry, though. You and your friends' secret is safe with me. I owe you all that much, at the very least. You all have done so much for me and...I can't thank you all enough for it. I know it's only you here, today, Akira, but...thank you so much for doing what you did for me. Please, tell the others that I said, "thank you", as well, when you see them, next. What you all are doing is extremely brave and reckless...and, as your teacher, I couldn't be more proud of you all. You should be proud of yourselves too. Think about all of the lives you have changed for the better by doing what you do. I know I'm only your teacher but if there's any way that I can ever be of assistance, just let me know, alright, Akira?

Akira is still shaken by the fact that Kawakami has been able to piece together that him and his friends are The Phantom Thieve. Kawakami's smile disappears for a moment and her usual, laxed, expression, returns to her face.

Sadayo Kawakami: Although, if you and your friends' grades start to slip because of this...extracurricular activity...

Akira Kurusu: D-don't worry...our grades won't be affected at all. In fact, I think most of us are studying even more, these days, ever since Makoto joined us. She can't stand the idea of any of us doing bad at our school work so she's always taking the time to tutor us.

Kawakami smiles, cheekily.

Sadayo Kawakami: I'm sure you get a little bit of extra tutoring, don't you?

Akira blushes, slightly, and he struggles to keep eye contact with Kawakami which causes her to chuckle in amusement.

Sadayo Kawakami: Glad to see Mr. Cool and Composed can get flustered just like everyone else. In all honesty, I'm really glad that you're with Makoto. That poor girl...has been through so much, lately. I can't imagine how she's managing to keep it all together.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, she's strong. Plus, she's still seeing Dr. Maruki and I think her visits with him are helping her a little.

Sadayo Kawakami: Maruki, huh? He seems like a nice enough guy...kind of hot too which is a plus. It's good to know that he's competent at his profession. Although, I haven't talked to him much since he arrived at Shujin. I believe he's going to be at Shujin, next year, as well, so I should probably make more of an attempt to get to know him better.

Akira thinks for a moment, quietly, before speaking, again.

Akira Kurusu: Hey, Ms. Kawakami, do you know Haru Okumura?

Kawakami leans back in her hospital bed and stares at the ceiling in contemplation. After a few moments, her eyes widen, slightly.

Sadayo Kawakami: Oh, actually, I think I've had her as a student, before. Does she have short, curly, brown hair and brown eyes, by chance?

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, that's her. Did anything ever...stand out to you about her?

Kawakami gives Akira's question some thought, before answering.

Sadayo Kawakami: She was...always extremely polite...abnormally so, in my opinion. She was always quick to help me and other students. Plus, if I remember, correctly, she was quite intelligent and did well in my class. Although...

Akira Kurusu: Although?

Sadayo Kawakami: There was always...a sadness in her eyes that her politeness and kind demeanor couldn't hide. I never questioned or commented about it because whatever was going on in her personal life wasn't any of my business. Besides, whatever it was, it obviously wasn't affecting her grades or causing problems for other students so I didn't really have a reason to talk to her about it.

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