Chapter 20: The Message

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Ext. Niijima Residence – Later

Makoto and Akira are, now, standing in front of Makoto and Sae's home. By now, Makoto's grip on Akira's hand isn't as tight but he notices that, every once in a while, she'll glance behind her with a concerned expression on her face.

Akira Kurusu: Hey, are you alright?'ve been checking behind us a lot, ever since we left Dr. Maruki's building? Do you think someone is following you? Are you being stalked? If someone's stalking you, then I'll—

Makoto shakes her head, no, quickly, dismissing Akira's assumptions. She puts on a forced smile in an attempt to put his mind at ease.

Makoto Niijima: It's...really nothing. I'm...just being weird is all. I'm sorry for worrying you. Honestly, though, you have nothing to worry about. Thank you for walking me back to my house. It's...always nice to have your company. I would invite you inside but...I'm feeling a little tired from my session with Dr. Maruki so I might actually catch up on some rest, if that's alright with you?

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, of course. I might do the same. It's been a busy last couple of days for all of us, after all. We could all probably use some rest while we have the chance. You never know when the next big request is going to come in, after all.

Makoto Niijima: Well, good night, then.

Makoto kisses Akira on the cheek and releases his hand that she's been holding. Makoto heads to the front door of her house while Akira watches over her, still concerned about how strange she's been acting.

Int. Niijima Residence – Continuous

Makoto makes her way into her house and closes the front door, behind her. To her surprise, the lights are on it the living room, indicating that someone is home.

Makoto Niijima: Sae? Are you already home, today? I thought you mentioned, yesterday, that you were going to be working late, again, every day this week. Did you finish your work early or something?

Makoto doesn't get a response from her sister which leaves her feeling confused and a bit worried.

Makoto Niijima: Sae?

Makoto makes her way past the living room and kitchen area of the home. She notices that her bedroom door is, slightly, open.

Makoto Niijima: Hm? I could have sworn that I shut this, tight, before I left.

Makoto opens the door to her bedroom, fully, and makes her way inside of her room. She turns on the light in her bedroom by flipping the switch, on the wall, next to her bedroom door. When the lights turn on, she's greeted to a horrifying and disturbing sight. Someone had painted a message on the wall above Makoto's bed in pink paint. The message reads "I know what you did, you monster!" Next to the message there's a dashed line with the name, "Beauty Thief", next to it.

Makoto Niijima: T-that bitch broke into my fucking house? Son of a bitch!

A thought crosses Makoto's mind.

Makoto Niijima: What if...she's still here...hiding somewhere? If she is, I'll fucking skin her alive!

Makoto, quickly, leaves her bedroom, to check the rest of the house to see if Haru is hiding somewhere.

Int. Niijima Residence – Moments Later

After having confirmed that Haru isn't in her home, Makoto has started to scrub the message that Haru left for her off of her wall using a bucket of soap mixed with water and a scrubbing brush. She, angrily, begins scrubbing off the message.

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