Chapter 24: Thanks

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Int. Café Leblanc – Continuous

Sojiro sighs to himself in disgust. Makoto and Akira both look at Sojiro, concerned. He notices their worried stares and puts on a forced smile.

Sojiro Sakura: Sorry, about that. I...guess I kind of lost my tempt a bit there, huh?

Makoto Niijima: Was...he someone you know, Mr. Sakura?

Sojiro's forced smile leaves his face.

Sojiro Sakura: Yeah, you could say that. Anyways, you two enjoy the rest of your breakfast, alright? Sorry, if that situation made you two feel uncomfortable. Just...try to forget about it, alright?

Akira Kurusu: If you say so...

Sojiro walks away from Akira and Makoto's table, heading towards the bar counter, where the sheet of paper left by the middle-aged man is. Sojiro picks up the sheet of paper and reads it to himself. He grumbles to himself and crushes the piece of paper in his hand in anger.

Sojiro Sakura: Since there aren't any customers, I'm going to take a smoke break? You two hold down the fort, alright?

Sojiro walks out of Café Leblanc, via, the front door of the Café and lets it shut, behind him.

Makoto Niijima: What do you think that was all about?

Akira Kurusu: I have no idea.

Makoto shoots Akira an annoyed glance.

Makoto Niijima: Seriously, haven't you been living with him for a while, now?

Akira Kurusu: I mean...yeah, but we don't talk too much about our personal lives with each other. He doesn't ask about mine and I don't ask about his. It's worked well enough for the two of us, so far. No point in changing what's not broken, right?

Makoto sighs and shakes her head in disappointment.

Makoto Niijima: He's taken good care of you, ever since you first arrived here. I feel like the least you could do is ask if there's anything that he wants to talk about.

Akira Kurusu: Nah, I think I'd rather eat than—

Akira notices that Makoto's scowling at him, expectantly and gulps, nervously.

Akira Kurusu: O-on second thought, maybe, I'll go have a chat with him, now.

Akira, in fear of his girlfriend, gets up from the table and makes his way out of Café Leblanc, via the front door of the café. Makoto smiles to herself, pridefully and continues eating her curry.

Ext. Café Leblanc – Continuous

Akira, now outside of Café Leblanc, notices Sojiro standing a few feet away from the café, with a cigarette in his hand. He heads over to Sojiro, despite not feeling comfortable about asking him if anything's wrong. Sojiro sees Akira walking towards him and chucklers to himself.

Sojiro Sakura: Let me guess; you're girlfriend told you to check on me and when you turned her down, she shot you a stare that made you change your mind, real fast.

Akira Kurusu: H-how the hell could you possibly know—

Sojiro Sakura: I've had my fair share of experiences with women. I know how things work. Plus, she seems like the type to be concerned about others, over herself. Am I right?

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, that's for sure. Anyways, since you already know why I'm out here, want to get straight to the point? Is...there something wrong? need my help with?

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