Chapter 9: We Failed

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Int. Okumura Residence – Later

After returning from the Metaverse and leaving Shibuya Station, Haru is has made it back to her home. She is now inside of her room, laying down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, in contemplation.

Haru Okumura: Hm, it isn't even that late, yet. However, my body feels exhausted. Is it because I summoned Milady? I question whether or not I even needed my Persona to kill those Shadows. I probably wouldn't have if those Phantom Thieves didn't get involved. Although...

Haru smiles, evilly.

Haru Okumura: It wasn't a total waste. I was able to give the Phantom Thieves a small glimpse of how powerful I truly am, haha. Now, they know that I'm not someone that they can take, lightly. That doesn't change the fact that I'm a bit outnumbered by them, though. If they take me on all at once, I'm not sure I can win...I need to be smart about how I engage with them in the future.

Haru recalls what Akechi mentioned back in the Metaverse about her actions having no justice. She frowns.

Haru Okumura: Justice, huh? Where was the justice when my father was...grrrr...I can't go thinking about that, right now? I was able to make two more asshole adults braindead, today. I count that as win, even if they are fucking geezers. All of these people ending up braindead can't be a good look for the Phantom Thieves. It's almost a matter of time before the public turns on them. I almost feel bad for them...almost.

Haru breaks into a sinister laugh as the thought of people growing to hate the Phantom Thieves brings her a sense of joy and accomplishment.

Int. Velvet Room – Later

Makoto is standing inside of the velvet room, in front of Igor's desk that he's sitting behind. Justine and Caroline are standing behind her, in guard, fully aware of how dangerous she is.

Igor: What a pleasant surprise this don't see me nearly as often as the other trickster, haha. Is something the matter?

Makoto Niijima: Don't mock me, you creepy fucking troll!

Caroline raises her baton in instinct, prepared to strike Makoto, much to Justine's surprise. All it takes is a simple glare from Makoto for Caroline to freeze in place, unable to move.

Makoto Niijima: Go ahead and try it...I have no issue wiping the fucking floor with you. In case you haven't noticed, I'm really not in a good fucking mood, right now.

Caroline's arm that's holding the baton shakes in fear and Justine lowers her sister's arm, not wanting to see her be hurt by Makoto.

Igor: Please, there is no need for threats and violence here in the Velvet Room. After all, the three of us exist to help both you and the other trickster.

Makoto Niijima: Don't you mean...the three tricksters?

Caroline and Justine's eyes widen in surprise, believing that Makoto has discovered one of the master's secret. Rather than acting shocked, Igor simply laughs.

Igor: Haha, you must mean the girl with the axe that you and your friends have encountered in the Metaverse.

The look of surprise leaves Caroline and Justine's faces.

Igor: I hate to disappoint you but that girl is not a trickster. She is just another individual, who is able to travel to the Metaverse and use a Persona. Nothing more and nothing less. To be honest, not even I foresaw her involvement in the game. Although, I believe that her addition will add a sense of...unpredictability that the game might have been lacking.

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