Chapter 25: Best Friend

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Int. Arcade – Continuous

Eiko notices Makoto's worried expression and decides to change the topic.

Eiko Takao: A-anyways, how's that detective guy doing? The one, who has a thing for your sister?

Makoto Niijima: Oh, you mean Akechi? I...think he's doing okay but it's hard to tell, ya know? I mean...losing Hikari must have been so hard on him...and probably, still is. Something like that doesn't go away, quickly...or ever, for that matter.

Eiko Takao: Sounds like you're speaking from experience.

Makoto Niijima: Well, I'm no stranger to loss of loved ones, I suppose. I lost my mother when I was incredibly young and I was with my father when he died in that car crash. Even though, I don't have too many memories of my mother, I still miss her, every day and regret never getting the opportunity to know her better. As for my father...we were always so close...losing something that hurts me every single day. I know it hurts Sae, too, even though, she doesn't show it.

Eiko Takao: I guess I'm lucky. I haven't lost anyone that I've cared about, before. Although, I will say, when you told me about what happened to you when you got kidnapped by that mob boss, I felt a feeling, deep in my stomach, that I never want to experience, again.

Makoto Niijima: Aw, what a caring friend.

Eiko Takao: Hey, don't make fun of me, haha. If something like that had happened to me, you would have felt that same horrible feeling your stomach as well.

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, definitely.

There's a brief silence between the girls, before Makoto remembers something that Eiko had mentioned to her, before.

Makoto Niijima: Hey, since it's summer and the two of us have some free time, why don't we do that double date thing, now?

Eiko Takao: D-double date?

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, you were all excited about it when you first told me about the idea. It seemed like you really wanted to do it and I felt bad about not being able to do it because I was so busy, at the time.

Makoto observes that Eiko looks a bit conflicted about the idea.

Makoto Niijima: What's wrong? Did you not want to do it, anymore?

Eiko Takao: O-oh, no, it's nothing like that! I-I'm just surprised is all that you want to actually do it.

Makoto Niijima: Well, you've met Akira plenty of times so I feel like it's only fair for me to see the guy, who's dating my best friend.

Makoto blushes, slightly, at what he just said, in embarrassment.

Eiko Takao: Best friend, huh?

Makoto Niijima: Oh, uh...I...that sort of just—

Eiko puts her hand on top of Makoto's and smiles, warmly, at her.

Eiko Takao: It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, you're my best friend too, Makoto!

Makoto smiles back at Eiko in relief but notices something strange about Eiko's attire.

Makoto Niijima: I just realized that you're wearing long-sleeves...aren't you hot?

Eiko's hand leaves the top of Makoto's and she scratches the back of her neck, awkwardly.

Eiko Takao: Oh, I've just been getting cold, easily, lately, that's all. Anyways, we should discuss more important matters like where we're going to be having our double date!

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