Chapter 8: Milady

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Int. Metaverse – Later

Akechi, Yusuke, Ann and Ryuji are all riding inside of the Morgana bus along the railroad tracks of Mementos while Akira rides on the back of Makoto's motorcycle. The Phantom Thieves are now several floors deep within mementos. Akechi stares out of the passenger seat's window at the eerie atmosphere of Mementos.

Goro Akechi: This place is just as unsettling as I had imagined. Speaking of unsettling, Morgana, I would appreciate it if you would give me a heads up next time you transform into a vehicle. Seeing it for the first time put it unpleasant experience.

Ryuji, who's seated in one of the back seats of the Morgana bus, pats Akechi on the back, comfortingly.

Ryuji Sakamoto: We've all been there, buddy. We all understand your pain.

Morgana: Man, fuck ya'll! Instead of being fucking grateful that I have such a clutch ability, all you bastards do is complain. My transformation isn't even that bad. Ya'll are just exaggerating!

Yusuke Kitagawa: I apologize, Morgana, but we are not exaggerating. Your transformation into a vehicle is something that I tend to see in my nightmares, from time to time. The traumatizing experience still hasn't left me and, unfortunately, I don't know if it ever will. Hm, perhaps, since it's showing up in my's a sign that I should paint it? Maybe, if I paint your disgusting transformation, it will help me overcome this fear?

Morgana: Hey, you can't paint my fine ass without asking, first! If you're going to paint me, then I better be properly compensated, you feel me?

Yusuke Kitagawa: Aw, of course. That is only fair. How about a fair split of 95% and 5%?

Morgana: You're untalented ass better be the one getting the 5%!

Ann Takamaki: Still, it's good that we were able to find the grandparent's location inside of Mementos. That means their Shadow Selves should be here and that their desires haven't become warped enough to warrant a palace forming.

Akechi glances at the GPS that is being used to locate the grandparents' Shadow Selves.

Goro Akechi: That's true and according to his, we aren't that far, now. We better get ready. I assume that this isn't something that's going to be solved with words.

Ryuji Sakamoto: It never is. Don't worry, though, Mr. Detective! Just follow our lead! We're practically pros at this, by now. I can do this shit in my sleep.

Morgana: So much mother fucking cap, that you would think this blond bitch had the caps lock on!

While Ryuji and Morgana argue inside of the Morgana bus, Akira notices that Makoto seems tense while driving her motorcycle.

Akira Kurusu: You don't have to be so tense, ya know? We've done this countless times, before.

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, I know's strange. I just have a feeling like things are going to be different this time.

Akira Kurusu: By different, do you mean we're going to lose?

Makoto Niijima: I-I don't know. It's just this weird feeling that I have deep in my gut. I wish it would just go away.

Akira Kurusu: Our team has only gotten bigger since the last time we were in Mementos. With Akechi here, our chances of success have only risen.

Makoto Niijima: I know...

Akira Kurusu: Hey.

Akira leans over and kisses Makoto on the cheek while riding behind her on her motorcycle. Makoto blushes.

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