Chapter 14: Shadow Kawakami Pt. 2

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Int. Mementos – Continuous

Once again, the one of the various faces of the Legion breathes purple smoke towards Ryuji in an attempt to put him to sleep, again, but this time, he leaps over the smoke at an incredibly height that he couldn't achieve without the adrenaline rush that he's feeling.

Legion: What the hell?

Ryuji smashes his crow bar into one of the various faces of the Legion, causing the monster to shriek in pain and agony. After witnessing this, the other Phantom Thieves begin to rush the Legion as well, their melee weapons drawn. While the enemy is stunned from Ryuji's attack, Yusuke slices another one of the Legion's faces with his katana, Akechi slashes one of the faces with his photon saber, Makoto punches one of the faces with her spiked knuckles, Ann smacks one of the faces with her whip, Morgana cuts one of the faces, vertically, with his sword and Akira stabs his dagger into one of the faces. The Legion shrieks in pain, after the barrage of attacks and Akira rips his dagger out of the face of the monster and backflips away from it.

Legion: Ahhhhhhh! That hurt, you little shits!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Good, that's the point! Give us back our teacher, you ugly piece of shit!

The Legion growls in anger.

Legion: How dare you speak to your teacher that way!

This time, all of the faces of the Legion, including the ones that have been damaged, breath fire in various directions, making it impossible for the Phantom Thieves to dodge. The fire burns all of the members, causing them to fall to one knee. Their uniforms are badly damaged from the fire and their skin is burned and charred.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Fucking hell! That's hot!

Morgana: Haha! You poor damn fools! You just didn't have the cat-like reflexes to dodge that attack. You really hate to see it!

In the corner of her eyes, Makoto observes that all of the fur covering Morgan's butt has been burned off without him realizing it. She mumbles to herself.

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, you really do.

Goro Akechi: I have an idea! All of you, draw your long-range weapons!

The rest of the Phantom Thieves unequip their melee weapons and draw their long-range weapons just like Akechi says to. Akechi removes his mask and calls upon his Persona.

Goro Akechi: Robin Hood, I summon you!

Akechi's Persona, Robin Hood, forms out of a blue flame, emanating from behind him.

Goro Akechi: Robin Hood, show that monster of pure darkness the power of light!

Robin Hood: Gladly!

Robin Hood summons its bow and loads a bright, light arrow, into it. Robin Hood pulls back the string, along with the arrow and aims at the ground, right below the Legion. Robin Hood fires the arrow and it makes contact with the ground causing a bright flash, blinding the Legion, completely.

Legion: Shit, my eyes!

Akira Kurusu: Now, fire!

Following Akira's order, the Phantom Thieves all begin to fire their weapons at the Legion while it's being blinded by the light arrow. The sound of loud gunfire echoes throughout the area and bullets soar through the blinding light, caused by the light arrow. The group keeps shooting until the bright light fades away. They all gasp when they see a giant wall of darkness, in front of the Legion that had protected it from all of the bullets while it was being blinded by the light.

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