Chapter 26: I'm Not Going Anywhere

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Int. Batting Cage – Continuous

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, everyone in this group has been through so much, you and I included. It's kind of nice when we can just hang out like this and pretend like we're normal high school students.

Goro Akechi: You all have put your lives on the line countless times to change the hearts of so many people. As rewarding as it may be, try not to push yourselves too hard. As you have just mentioned, you all are just like me...high school students. No amount of fighting or changing hearts is going to change that fact, I'm afraid.

Akira nods his head in agreement.

Akira Kurusu: Still, as weird as it sounds, it's during quiet moments like these, where I get the most anxious, almost like something bad is creeping up on me.

Goro Akechi: Yes, I feel the same way, sometimes; plus, even though that Haru girl is currently missing, that doesn't mean that she's completely out of the picture, yet. There's still a high likelihood that she will try to interfere with us changing hearts, again, in the near future. It would be best to still tread carefully when taking on new requests. It's factors like her...the ones that are unpredictable...that end up becoming the most problematic, in the end.

Akira Kurusu: Shit, look at the two of us. Everyone else here is having fun so why do we have to be such downers? Come on, let's get cheer on Ryuji, even though he's probably going to miss every swing. That's what teammate do, right?

Goro Akechi: Hah, I suppose you're right. Although, you don't seem to have much faith in Ryuji's ability to hit a baseball.

Akira picks up his stuffed plushie and the two make their way towards the others, who are already hollering at Ryuji while he, continuously, misses the baseballs as they fly past him, before he can hit them with the bat.

Int. Café Leblanc – Evening

Akira makes his way through the front door of the café, by himself, with Morgana in his backpack. Sojiro, who's behind the counter, turns to face him.

Sojiro Sakura: Did you have a good time hanging out with the guys?

Akira holds up the stuffed plushie that he won at the batting cages, expressionlessly.

Akira Kurusu: Turns out I have talent at baseball...or, at least, hitting them that is.

Sojiro Sakura: Wow, I never expected you of all people to be good at any sports, to be honest. No offense.

Akira Kurusu: None taken. I'm just as surprised as you are.

Akira walks past Sojiro to head up to the attic, before Sojiro stops him by calling his name.

Sojiro Sakura: Hey kid, this came in the mail for you.

Akira makes his way back towards Sojiro and takes the envelope, that he's holding, from him. Akira studies both sides of the envelope.

Akira Kurusu: Hm, no return address, huh? That's odd.

Sojiro Sakura: Think it's your parents?

Akira Kurusu: I highly doubt it. They haven't bothered to reach out, yet, so I don't know why they would, now. I'll read once I get settled in, upstairs. Thanks.

Akira makes his way up the stairs that lead to the attic. Sojiro sighs to himself as he makes his way back behind the counter.

Sojiro Sakura: I really hope that, for your sake, it's good news, kid. I feel like you, of all people, could use some.

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