Chapter 13: Shadow Kawakami Pt. 1

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Int. Mementos – Moments Later

Both the Morgana van and Makoto, Akira and Makoto's motorcycle (Johanna) burst through the other side of the red portal and their vehicles skid across the hard ground. Both vehicles come to a stop. Makoto and Akira get off of the motorcycle and once they're off, it is consumed in a blue light and disappears. Yusuke, Akechi and Ann get out of the Morgana van and, once their off, the Morgana van begins to undergo its usual horrifying and grotesque transformation. After returning to his anthropomorphic cat form, Morgana joins the rest of the group, who are all staring a head at them a woman, who is facing away from them. She is standing still, not saying a word, despite knowing that the Phantom Thieves are there. Her features are the exact same as Kawakami's. Akira gulps, nervously, and his fists clench, tightly.

Akira Kurusu: There's no doubt about it. That's Shadow Version of Ms. Kawakami.

Ann Takamaki: That's weird.

Goro Akechi: Is something the matter, Panther?

Ann Takamaki: Oh right, you wouldn't know since last time was your first time encountering Shadow Versions and, by the time we got there, Haru was already fighting them. Usually, the Shadow Versions are always aware that we're here with them when we enter through the red portal but...this one is—

Yusuke Kitagawa: Standing there...Menacingly! Hahahaha! Patrick, you are just as much of a madlad as SpongeBob is.

Yusuke begins chuckling to himself as the rest of the group stares at him in disappointment.

Ann Takamaki: He's right, though. Why is the Shadow Version of Ms. Kawakami just standing there, not even facing us?

Ryuji Sakamoto: It's kind of off-putting, to be honest.

Makoto turns to face Akira.

Makoto Niijima: What do you think?

Akira thinks for a moment and studies the Shadow Version of Ms. Kawakami a bit closer.

Akira Kurusu: It doesn't look any different from the usual Shadow Versions that we fight here in Mementos. Mona, you're the expert on Mementos and Shadows. Are you sensing any weird vibes coming from this one?

Morgana shakes his head, no.

Morgana: Nah, not a damn thing. This Shadow Version's behavior is mad strange, though. I recommend we tread, carefully. Well, even more, carefully, than we usually do.

Akira nods his head in agreement.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, I agree. We can't afford to waste too much time, though. Let's do this.

The Phantom Thieves, cautiously, approach the Shadow Version of Kawakami, who is still facing the opposite way of them, almost like it's ignoring them, completely. Once the group gets close enough, however, the Shadow Version of Kawakami begins chucking to herself, quietly, causing the group to stop, suddenly. Finally, the Shadow Version of Kawakami turns around, smiling, evilly, at the Phantom Thieves. Her glowing yellow eyes pierce the dark atmosphere around them and are enough to send chills down Akira's spine.

Shadow Kawakami: I'm so glad that you could, finally, make it, Phantom Thieves. I was really hoping that I would become one of your targets.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Hoping? What the hell are you talking about?

Kawakami begins laughing, evilly, to herself, before answering.

Shadow Kawakami: To think, all of you would be no older than the students that I teach...I guess that explains how foolish and reckless you all are.

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