Chapter 23: That Time of the Year

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Int. Sakura Residence – Morning

The date is Tuesday, August 10th and Sojiro picks up a tray that has uneaten food on it, that's sitting in front of a closed door in his home. The door has a sign on it that says "Do Not Enter" in big red letters. He sighs to himself, sadly, as he stares at the uneaten food on the tray.

Sojiro Sakura: This is the second time in a row that she hasn't eaten any dinner. Hell, she barely eats breakfast too. At this rate, she's going to starve to death. Maybe, I should talk to her about it. She might listen to me, right?

Sojiro motions like he's about to knock on the closed door but hesitates, before doing it.

Sojiro Sakura: Then again, it is that time of the year, isn't it? Hm. Besides, I'm not in any position to give her any advice...all I can take care of her, the best that I can. It's early too...she might still be sleeping. Haha, I doubt it, though. The girl, barely, ever sleeps. Oh well, better wash these dishes and make her some breakfast, before I head to work for the day.

Sojiro picks up the tray of uneaten food and leaves the closed door, making his way to the kitchen of his house.

Int. Café Leblanc – Moments Later

Meanwhile, in the attic of Café Leblanc, Akira, Makoto and Morgana are all sleeping inside of Akira's bed. Akira is the only one awake, staring at the ceiling while Makoto is resting on top of him and Morgana is resting on top of her. Akira looks down at Makoto, who is sleeping, peacefully and smiles to himself, happy that she's, finally, having a pleasant sleep without any nightmares. Morgana begins muttering in his sleep.

Morgana: Nah, girl...I haven't done anal, before...why...because it's a pain in the ass...hahahahahaha...wait, why aren't you laughing at my joke?

Akira frowns in disappoint, before speaking, quietly, to himself, so he doesn't wake Makoto.

Akira Kurusu: The fuck kind of dreams does that cat have? Horny little bastard. I wish he would spend his time more productively, instead of just watching porn on my laptop and not even having the decency to exit out of it. It's a pain in the ass having to clean up my search history, every single fucking night. Hm, maybe, I should adopt a girl cat so he would wouldn't have to beat his tiny wiener, so often. Eh, then again, that would require more work from me. Oh, I could buy him like a doll or something to hump...that shouldn't be too expensive.

Makoto begins squirming in her sleep, indicating to Akira that she's having another nightmare.

Akira Kurusu: One day, I really hope you'll stop having these nightmares all of the time.

Makoto begins making terrified noises in her sleep and, eventually, Akira, gently, rubs her back to wake her up from the bad dream. Makoto's eyes open and it takes her a moment to realize where she is. She looks up at Akira, tiredly.

Akira Kurusu: Sorry, I don't like waking you up but it looked like you were having another bad dream.

Makoto Niijima: Oh, that's alright. Thanks...yeah, I think I was having a bad's weird, though...I can't remember what it was about at all.

Akira Kurusu: Does that happen often?

Makoto nods her head, yes.

Akira Kurusu: Well, it might be for the best that you can't remember dreams like that.

Makoto Niijima: Yeah, you might be right. I'm...sorry for dropping by, unannounced, last night. Also, I fell asleep, before I had the chance to eat the curry you spent so much time making for me. I feel really bad about that.

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