Chapter 16: I Will Bring Down The Phantom Thieves

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Int. Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital – Continuous

Shiho Suzui: So, that's why you're here? Even if it's true, what could you possibly want from me?

Haru Okumura: Well, while I have to admit that you have done a very nice job running the Phansite in your boyfriend's place, you assisting the Phantom Thieves needs to stop.

Shiho Suzui: Huh? What the hell are you talking about?

Haru Okumura: Oh, don't worry. I'm not saying that you need to get rid of the website, entirely. That would be such a waste, especially after how much work dear Mishima put into creating it. Don't you agree? I think a place, where people can put in a request to have their or someone else's heart changed is a great idea. It's been incredibly helpful for me, in particular.

Shiho Suzui: Yeah, I know that you've been stealing requests from the Phansite. Those requests aren't for your crazy ass, they're for the Phantom Thieves.

Haru's smile, finally, disappears, and she rolls her eyes at Shiho's comment.

Haru Okumura: Ugh, you and your boyfriend's faith in that group is, honestly, disgusting...not to mention misguided.

Shiho Suzui: Misguided? What are you talking about?

Haru Okumura: The ability to change someone's heart...such an incredible power, isn't it? However, are you certain that's the only power that the Phantom Thieves are in possession of?

Shiho Suzui: Only power?

Haru Okumura: I'm sure you've heard on the news about all of the psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns that have been occurring here in Japan, lately, right?

Shiho Suzui: Yeah, what about them?

Haru Okumura: The only individuals, who would be capable of causing psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns like the ones that have been happening, lately, are those with the ability to travel to the Metaverse. The thing my knowledge...the only individuals, who can do this, are the members of the Phantom Thieves and myself. I know you don't trust me but I can assure you that I am not the one, who is causing the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns. In fact, I'm determined to find the one, who is responsible, and killing them, slowly, and, painfully. Isn't that just wonderful of me? I truly am a fighter for justice!

Shiho Suzui: You're fucking psychotic.

Haru Okumura: Call it what you want, Suzui. Either way, if I'm not the one responsible for the psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns, then that means it must be one of the members of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Hell, for all you know, your dear bestie, Ann Takamaki, could be the one—

Shiho Suzui: Shut up! Don't you dare—

In an instant, Haru leaps out of the chair she's sitting in, grabs Shiho by the ponytail, yanks her head forward towards a small pocket knife that Haru holds at her throat.

Haru Okumura: I already warned you once to keep it down. I really don't like repeating myself.

Shiho Suzui: Ann...would never do something so evil. So, you take that back, you fucking bitch.

Haru sighs and lets go of Shiho's ponytail. She returns to sitting in the chair, next to Shiho's hospital bed, and puts her pocket knife away.

Haru Okumura: Even if it's not her, it's, obviously, someone in that group. There are quite a few members of the Phantom Thieves, aren't there? Do you have the same amount of trust in the rest of them as you do in Ann Takamaki?

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