Chapter 6: What I Deserve

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Int. Kawakami's Apartment – Morning

The date is Thursday, August 5th, and the loud sound of Kawakami's alarm clock wakes her up from her deep sleep. She puts a pillow over her head to try to block out and ignore the sound. She twists and turns in her bed, not wanting to get up.

Sadayo Kawakami: Oh, shut the fuck up, already! Let me just pretend it's the weekend. Ugh!

Kawakami realizes that there's no point getting mad at her alarm clock and removes the pillow that's covering her head. She turns off her alarm clock and sits up straight in her bed. He dark hair is a mess and her eyes have dark bags under them from a lack of sleep.

Sadayo Kawakami: Another shitty night of sleep...what a surprise.

Kawakami rubs her eyes and gets out of bed to start her day.

Int. Kawakami's Apartment – Morning

Kawakami spits out the mouthwash that she has just rinsed in her mouth into her bathroom sink. She looks at herself in the mirror in disgust.

Sadayo Kawakami: I look about as well as I feel. Better hope some half-assed make up and attempting to do my hair can make—

All of the sudden, Kawakami gets a sharp pain in her head, cause her to stumble forward. She grabs the bathroom counter to stop herself from falling and holds her head in discomfort.

Sadayo Kawakami: Ow, what the fuck was that? I haven't had a head ache that damn painful, before.

The pain goes away and Kawakami continues her morning routine.

Int. Kawakami's Apartment – Morning

Kawakami is now in the middle of making her breakfast which consists of toast with avocado on it. She is cutting open the avocado when she starts remembering the words of the grandparents, who are receiving money from her, monthly.

Grandmother (Off Screen): Our...poor dead because of you! What kind of teacher rejects one of her students?

Grandfather (Off Screen): Obviously, someone who shouldn't be a teacher, in the first place.

Kawakami's hand that's holding her knife begins shaking as more and more of the grandparent's words begin appearing inside of her mind.

Grandmother (Off Screen): Our grandson always bragged about how you were the only teacher that cared about him. How could you betray him like this?

Grandfather (Off Screen): You have to take responsibility for this. You have to!

The shaking in Kawakami's hand that's holding the knife gets worse.

Grandmother (Off Screen): This is all you're willing to pay us after all of the damage that you've caused our family? Did our grandson's death mean nothing to you?

The shaking in Kawakami's hand gets so bad that she can no longer hold the knife she's using. The excruciating pain in her head returns, causing her to begin stumbling around the kitchen.

Grandfather (Off Screen): You want to stop supporting us? Do you think that my wife and I are finished grieving? Do you think of the loss of a grandson, who meant the world to us, is something that we can just get over in a couple of months? You truly are heartless!

As Kawakami continues to stumble around the kitchen, she begins, frantically, apologizing to the grandparents' voices that are inside of her mind.

Sadayo Kawakami: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

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