Chapter 18: Everything With You is Complicated

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Int. Niijima Residence – Night

This scene returns to the present and takes place in Makoto's room, where she's sitting on the edge of her bed, remembering what she did to Haru's father. Her sister is already in bed for the night, after having come home late, after work.

Makoto Niijima: To think, that killing such a piece of shit like that would end up coming back to haunt me like this. All of that did happen about two years ago...I was a lot more blood-thirsty, back then. I was constantly on the lookout for shit-stains like Mr. Okumura to take out. Was I...sloppy with how I handled Haru's father? Did I make a mistake, somewhere?

Makoto thinks about how everything went down in her mind and shakes her head, no.

Makoto Niijima: No, I didn't make any mistakes, I don't think. Besides, to the outside world, it just seemed like Mr. Okumura disappeared, without a trace. Everything that I did to his real body was in the Metaverse. Nobody could possibly know what transpired in that other world, except for someone, who can use the Metaverse, like myself. Then again, Haru Okumura...she's able to travel to the Metaverse as well. However, I don't know how long she's had her ability...she might have just gotten it, recently, for all I know. Damn. Still, it's possible that she knows what I did. Is that why she's so hostile towards me? If she knows that I'm the one responsible for her father's death, why doesn't she just kill me? Why go through all of this extra effort.

A knock on Makoto's door interrupts her train of thought.

Makoto Niijima: Oh, come on in!

Her bedroom door opens and her sister, Sae, makes her way into Makoto's room. Sae has dark bags under her eyes and looks, physically, and, mentally, exhausted.

Makoto Niijima: Sis, you should be getting some sleep. You've been working such long hours, these days. You look terrible. Is everything alright?

Sae Niijima: Y-yeah, everything is fine, Makoto. I...just had a bad dream is all. I'm just making sure...that you're safe.

Makoto Niijima: Safe? Why wouldn't I be?

Sae laughs, sadly.

Sae Niijima: It's the dream I was died, that's all. In dad's car accident, didn't pull through. I woke up, crying, and thinking that I was all alone.

Makoto Niijima: Sis, it was just a bad dream. It's probably just from being so exhausted.

Sae Niijima: Yeah, you're right. I know it was just a dream but I...still wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm sorry for bothering you, Makoto. Shouldn't you be in bed, though? Like you said, it's pretty late.

Makoto glances at her alarm clock which reads 1:00 AM and sighs to herself.

Makoto Niijima: Seems like I've lost track of the time. My bad. I should be getting to bed, now. Even if it is summer, that's no excuse for me to be getting to bed, so late.

Sae Niijima: I haven't checked in on you in a while, Makoto. Is everything alright, on your end? I've been so busy with this latest case, that I haven't spoken to you much. You've been hanging out with Akira and his friend a lot, these days, right?

Makoto Niijima: Yes, it's, definitely, been keeping me busy. It's been...kind of nice, to be honest. Hanging out with friends, I mean. I haven't really done that too much, before, now. D-don't worry, though, sis. Even when school starts back up, this won't impact my studying or academic performance. I promise.

Sae chuckles to herself.

Sae Niijima: I know, Makoto. You should be having fun, right now. It's summer vacation, after all. You don't have to be so strict with yourself, Makoto. I know I used to be really harsh on you about your was mostly out of fear...fear that you wouldn't be able to survive this harsh world, without a proper education. However, lately...I'm beginning to think that education isn't the only important thing that you need to live a good life, Makoto. There's so much more to life, Makoto, than education. Friends. Family. Falling in love. Starting a family. Traveling the world. Finding a job that brings your life purpose. Oh, I'm sorry. I've begun to ramble. I'll...let you get to bed, Makoto.

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