Chapter 17: Sins of the Father

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Int. Okumura Residence – Continuous

The two police officers, eventually, are led to a door that is upstairs, by the butler. The butler opens the door and steps out of the way so that the two police officers can step into the room. The police officers shoot each other a quick glance and then enter the room. They begin a thorough search and sweep of the room to see if either of them can find a clue to Haru's location but, unfortunately, after a good amount of time passes, they aren't able to find a single clue.

Police Officer # 1: Damn, I can't find anything that would help us figure out the suspect's current whereabouts. What about you?

Police Officer # 2: Same here. Not a single clue or object that seems out of place. I guess we still have the rest of the house to search, though. Shit, this house is so large, it's going to take us all night. What a pain in the ass.

The two police officers walk out of the bedroom to check out the rest of the house as the butler does nothing but watch on, sadly.

Butler: Ms. Okumura...where are you? A-are the things that those officers say you did...true? They just can't be. The sweet girl, that all of the staff here knows and love...she couldn't possibly be capable of doing such...evil things. Ms. Okumura, I just hope that wherever you are, that you're safe.

Int. Abandoned Apartment Building – Later

Meanwhile, in dark, abandoned apartment that is inside of a building that is falling apart and hasn't been used in a long time, Haru is sitting on the edge of a torn and shredded mattress. The shadows of the room that she's in are covering her face that's looking downward at the object that she's holding in her hands. The picture is of her and her father. Haru's hands begin shaking.

Haru Okumura: I-I'll never forgive them...the one...who's causing the mental breakdowns and psychotic breakdowns. I'll find them, dad, and bring them to justice. T-they'll pay...for taking you away from me. They'll pay...with their fucking life. You have my word, dad.

A tear splashes onto the picture, causing it dampen, slightly.

Int. Okumura Residence – Day

This scene is a flashback that takes place on the day, where Mr. Okumura, Haru's father, dies. Mr. Okumura is sitting inside of the study of his home, working on his computer. He begins to feel tired from staring at the computer screen for so long. He lifts his glasses and rubs his eyes, lightly, with the top of his long-sleeved shirt, before lowering the glasses. He looks away from the computer screen, for a moment, and focuses on a picture of him, his daughter, and wife at "Destiny Land", a theme park in Japan. Mr. Okumura smiles to himself, sadly. He picks up the picture frame that holds the photo and looks at it, more closely.

Mr. Okumura: I...truly wish things could have stayed like this, forever.

Mysterious Voice: And whose fault is that?

The mysterious voice frightens Mr. Okumura, to the point that he drops the picture frame. The frame lands on the hard, wood floor, and shatters as Mr. Okumura stares at the intruder in his room, who is a girl that is the same age as his own daughter, Haru. She has short, brown hair with a hair band in it that blends into her hair, perfectly, in addition to red, piercing eyes, that are staring at him, judgmentally. There's a sinister presence to the girl that causes Mr. Okumura to begin feeling goosebumps all over his body. The girl standing in front of Mr. Okumura is Makoto Niijima.

Mr. Okumura: W-what the hell? H-how did you get in here? The staff would never let some random girl into this house! lie...and tell them that you're a friend of Haru's...if that's the should be at school and not—

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