Chapter 7: Wanting to Move On

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Int. Café Leblanc – Day

This scene takes place with the entire Phantom Thieves group meeting inside of Akira's attic at Café Leblanc. Akira and Makoto have just explained Ms. Kawakami's request to the other members of the Phantom Thieves.

Yusuke Kitagawa: What those grandparents are forcing upon that poor's despicable. She already must feel such a large amount of guilt for what happened to that student. For them to make her feel even worse and guilt her into sending them makes me sick to my stomach.

Goro Akechi: I agree but being as familiar with the law system as I am, I can see why this teacher of yours is so afraid. I would love to say that the court system in Japan was always fair but that would be incredibly naïve of me to say. Plus, it sounds like these grandparents are quiet wealthy. If they could afford a good enough lawyer, then your teacher could definitely be put in a very difficult position.

Ann Takamaki: What the hell? If those old bastards are so rich, why didn't they just provide for their grandson, financially? How asinine can they be?

Ryuji Sakamoto: I can't believe that Ms. Kawakami was meeting with a maid...dude...dude...

Morgana: You're just upset that my man is drowning in pussy while your ass is stuck in the fucking Sahara Desert.

Akira Kurusu: So, from what it sounds like, we're all in agreement then?

Makoto Niijima: We can't let Ms. Kawakami keep suffering like this. I already feel bad that she's been dealing with this by herself for as long as she has. Of course, I'm willing to help her.

Yusuke Kitagawa: We shall change these grandparents' hearts with the same amount of grace and style that we usually do.

Morgana: Our group has the amount of grace and style as a fucking...shit, I'm not clever enough to think of a good comparison. Anyways, I'm down for the cause!

Ryuji Sakamoto: Hell yeah, Ms. Kawakami's like the only teacher at Shujin, who doesn't suck! If she ends up quitting because of this bullshit, school will be even shittier!

Ann Takamaki: Ms. Kawakami comforted me so much when Shiho tried to take her life. I...owe her so much. I want to help her as soon as possible.

Akira Kurus: Alright, it's decided, then. We have our next set of targets. Luckily, for us we have their names, already. Now, we just have to find out if they shadow selves are inside of Mementos or not? If they're not then...

Makoto Niijima: It could mean that they're distortion has gotten so bad they actually have palaces. In which case, we would have to reassess the situation, slightly, since we'll need more information and a lot more planning to tackle this problem, correctly.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Shit, the sooner we knock out this request, the sooner we can move onto the next one. I'm not doing anything important, today. Want to go to Mementos since everyone's already here?

Akira glances around the room and the rest of The Phantom Thieves nod their heads, indicating that they can travel to Mementos as well.

Akira Kurusu: In that case, I don't see why—

All of the sudden, Ann's cell phone starts to ring, interrupting Akira, before he can finish.

Ann Takamaki: Oh shit, I'm sorry. I don't keep it on silent, these days, because I'm worried about Shiho. Just give me one second, please.

Ann takes out her cell phone to check who's calling her.

Ann Takamaki: Speaking of Shiho...

Ann answers the call and puts her cell phone to her ear.

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