Chapter 12: No More...Anything

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Int. Mementos – Day

The date is Saturday, August 7th and the Phantom Thieves are currently standing at the entrance of Mementos.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Alright, we're all here. What did you want to meet in Mementos for, today? I thought we weren't taking on any requests until we dealt with Haru?

Yusuke Kitagawa: I was under the same impression as well.

Akira thinks for a moment, before speaking.

Akira Kurusu: After what happened with Ms. Kawakami, yesterday, I began to suspect something and I already figured out that my hunch was correct before the rest of you got here.

Goro Akechi: A hunch, huh? I wonder if my detective skills are rubbing off on you.

Ann Takamaki: What exactly was this hunch?

Akira takes out his cell phone and begins to speak into the Metaverse Navigation App.

Akira Kurusu: Sadayo Kawakami.

Metaverse Navigation App: Location of target found in Mementos. Would you like to make this your current destination?

Akira Kurusu: Yes.

Metaverse Navigation App: Location has been added to Metaverse GPS and directions should now be displayed.

The reset of the Phantom Thieves stare at Akira in complete shock at what the Metaverse Navigation App had just said.

Ann Takamaki: W-wait a minute. A-are you telling me that Ms. Kawakami...has a Shadow Version of herself here in Mementos?

Makoto Niijima: She did seem incredibly agitated, yesterday...on top of that, who knows how long she's been wrestling with the guilt and stress from having to pay those grandparents. To make matters worse, the current condition of the grandparents have probably only made her even more emotionally unstable.

Ann Takamaki: So, in other's our fault that she has a Shadow Version of herself here in Mementos?

Yusuke Kitagawa: In that case, it is our responsibility to defeat her Shadow Version, correct?

Akira Kurusu: Yusuke's right. What happened with the grandparents is probably what caused her desires to become so twisted to warrant having a Shadow Version of herself in Mementos.

Morgana: Although, on a positive note, her desires haven't been warmed to the point where she has her own palace. If we act now, we can prevent a palace from forming.

Akira Kurusu: Exactly, that's why I figured the sooner we acted, the better. Also, there's no way Haru knows about any of this so we don't have to worry about her showing up and intervening, this time.

Makoto Niijima: That's a good point. It would be best to act before she's able to draw the same conclusion that Akira did. The last thing we need is her fighting Ms. Kawakami's Shadow Version.

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, I don't want to believe that she's actually capable of causing Ms. Kawakami to go brain dead but...

Goro Akechi: The girl is extremely unpredictable...honestly, none of us know what she's capable of.

Ann Takamaki: Still, for the time being, we should just focus on tracking down Ms. Kawakami's Shadow Version and defeating it. It's the least we can do for her, considering the reason her desires and emotions have gotten this twisted is because we failed in our last request.

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