Chapter 5: A Teacher's Request

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Int. Kawakami's Apartment – Night

Kawakami places a bowl of food down for her cat that is grey in color. The cat meows and begins eating.

Sadayo Kawakami: Sorry I'm so late on your dinner, tonight. If you could talk, you would probably be cussing me out right now, huh? If I wasn't busy bothering one of my students as a maid...ugh, how could I have been so fucking stupid?

The cat lifts his head up from eating and meows. The cat returns to eating.

Sadayo Kawakami: I can't believe I'm talking to my fucking cat at my age. I'm too young to be a crazy cat lady. Oh yeah, Akira has a cat, doesn't he? I think I saw him inside of Akira's backpack when I was at the Café, earlier. I kind of regret not petting him, now that I think about. Oh well, he's always bringing the cat with him to school so I'll just ask to pet him there, one of these days. Not like I can go back to that café, again. Hm, I wonder if you would get along with that other cat, Eeyore?

Eeyore, once again, lifts his head up from eating and meows, almost as if it's answering Kawakami's question.

Sadayo Kawakami: Yeah, you're not very don't really get along with anyone, me included.

Eeyore stares at Kawakami, unenthusiastically, and returns to eating. Kawakami takes out her cell phone while she waits for her cat to finish eating. She remembers Akira mentioning a website where she can post a request for help from "The Phantom Thieves of Hearts." Her eyes shift to Eeyore, who is eating incredibly slowly and then back at her phone. She sighs.

Sadayo Kawakami: Eh, why the fuck not? Not like you're going to be done anytime soon, right? Wait a second.

Kawakami squints her eyes as she tries to recall the name of the website that Akira mentioned. She realizes that he never actually told her what the name of the website was.

Sadayo Kawakami: You have to be kidding me? That idiot didn't even remember to tell me the name of the website. Little shit probably did it to spite me so that I'd have to figure it out on my own. Asshole. Making me do work, after my long day of teaching and being a inconsiderate. Then again, kids his age always are.

Kawakami begins to search around the internet on her phone for a website that looks like it could be what Akira was talking about. Eventually, she stumbles upon a website called "The Phansite."

Sadayo Kawakami: "The Phansite", huh? I see what they did there.

Kawakami navigates the website until she discovers a forum where people are posting requests. She gasps as she scrolls through a large number of requests on the forum, surprised that there are so many.

Sadayo Kawakami: There are so many posts! Do this many people actually believe these "Phantom Thieves of Hearts" will actually solve their problems. Hell, some of these problems are just plain stupid. One of them literally says, "The Wi-Fi is down where I live so I can't watch my porn. Phantom Thieves, can you do something about this?" Another one says, "My wife's boyfriend has zero respect for me. How can I fix this, Phantom Thieves?" These don't even have anything to do with changing hearts!

All of the sudden, Kawakami notices that these posts disappear from the forum.

Sadayo Kawakami: Oh, they're gone. Hm. Maybe, someone is actively going through all of the requests and getting rid of all of the stupid ones. What a pain in the ass that must be considering how many are on here and are being added. Hell, new ones are being posted right now. With this many requests, the odds of this group even seeing mine is practically zero.

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