Chapter 15: Students Like You

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Int. Mementos – Moments Later

The Phantom Thieves are all standing around the Shadow Kawakami, who is on its' hands and knees, after having been defeated by the group. All of the Phantom Thieves look down at the Shadow Version of their teacher with looks of pity.

Ann Takamaki: I know...this isn't the real Ms. Kawakami's hard to something that resembles are teacher...look like this.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Yeah, I know what you mean.

Shadow Kawakami: J-just kill me.

The Phantom Thieves all turn their attention to Shadow Kawakami in surprise.

Akira Kurusu: Y-you want kill you?

Shadow Kawakami: If you kill me, then the real version of me will go brain dead in the real world, right...just like the grandparents?

Ryuji Sakamoto: T-that wasn't us! It was Haru, who—

Shadow Kawakami: It doesn't matter. Being brain dead...doesn't actually sound so bad. Not having to think actually sounds...rather peaceful.

Makoto Niijima: Peaceful?

Shadow Kawakami: My mind...has been such a hectic fucking mess, ever since one of my own students took their life because of my own negligence. It's like...the thoughts...they just never matter how much I want them to. The memories of helping this student, thoughts of what the student's future could look like if he were still alive, thoughts of regret for not being there for him, thoughts of not wanting to teach, anymore, thoughts of...wanting to kill myself and just be done with everything. All of these awful thoughts just keep spinning around in my head to the point of nauseum every single fucking day. I just want them to end. Even if that means going, completely, brain dead.

Ann Takamaki: How can you say that? Don't...don't you know how many students would be crushed if that happened to you?

Shadow Kawakami:, I have to live with the fact that the grandparents—

Ryuji Sakamoto: Fuck those old geezers! Yeah, it's awful what happened to them but you don't have anything to feel bad about. None of it is on you. If anything, it's Haru's...hell, it's our fault! We've already accepted responsibility for that so you don't have to. I...grrr...fuck this!

Ryuji takes off his skull mask and tosses it on the ground towards Shadow Kawakami, who takes notice of the mask, and looks up at Ryuji. Shadow Kawakami's eyes widen as she realizes that one of the members of the Phantom Thieves is Ryuji.

Goro Akechi:! If you reveal your identity to the Shadow, then—

Morgana: Eh, don't get your detective panties in a twist. Revealing his true identity to the Shadow Version doesn't mean the real milf teacher is going to know that blondie is a member of the Phantom Thieves.

Goro Akechi: O-oh...I see. That's a relief, I suppose. Wait. Detective panties? You're a bit of a rude cat, aren't you?

Morgana: Wow, that's some spot on detective work there. I can see why your so fucking esteemed! I have to compliment you, though! At least, you actually listen to me unlike half the dumb asses in this group!

The rest of the Phantom Thieves ignore Morgana and continue to listen on to Ryuji and Shadow Kawakami's conversation with one another. Ryuji kneels down, in front of Shadow Kawakami and its' eyes follow him while he does so.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Listen, you give me a lot of hell, Ms. Kawakami. A lot of hell! I'd be lying if it didn't piss me off're...the only teacher, who does. The only teacher, who acts like she gives a shit about me! When I got kicked up the track reached out to me and asked if I wanted to talk about?

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