Chapter 21: Makoto Vs. Haru

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Ext. Junkyard – Continuous

Makoto Niijima: Unfortunately, it wouldn't be your last.

Haru chuckles, gleefully.

Haru Okumura: Makoto, don't you know that it's impolite to interrupt someone when they're speaking?

Makoto Niijima: It's funny. I'm getting real fucking tired of listening to you talk.

Haru Okumura: Oh, does that mean that you're going to bring out that nasty Persona of yours...not the motorcycle...the other one...the one that I saw that day, when you killed that drug dealer, hehe. What was his name, again? Oh, that's right! Loki!

Makoto grits her teeth in frustration, after Haru reveals that she already knows about Loki being her other Persona.

Haru Okumura: I suppose you have no interest in hearing the rest of my story...that's fine...there isn't much left to it, anyways. I just watched you, brutally, kill that drug dealer in the Metaverse. What an interesting ability? Being able to change the world around you to the Metaverse without anyone knowing, except for you. Unfortunately, I don't have this ability...hardly seems fair that you have must be a special little snowflake, Makoto Niijima, hehe. Although, since we're both in the Metaverse, right now, that means neither of us have to hold back, correct?

Makoto's eyes widen in shock as Haru leaps off of the pile of junk that she's sitting on top of. In mid-air her attire changes to her Metaverse costume and she, quickly, equips her axe. She lands, directly, towards the spot, where Makoto is standing and swings down her axe, with full force. Makoto rolls out of the way and Haru's axe penetrates the ground, where Makoto was standing. Haru, effortlessly, rips the axe out of the ground and smiles, excitedly. Makoto doesn't waste any more time, now, aware of the danger that she's currently in.

Makoto Niijima: Come to me, Loki!

Makoto begins laughing, sinisterly, as her mind becomes consumed with horrific thoughts. She begins to scratch the skin off of her face while doing so and Haru watches on, unfazed, by the sight. Haru yawns.

Haru Okumura: I must admit that I was quite terrified the first time that I saw this transformation of yours but, now, I just feel sorry for you. Clearly, you have some mental issues, Makoto. You need to be put down, before you hurt anyone else. Allow me to help with that!

Haru dashes towards Makoto and swings her axe, horizontally. Before her axe can make contact with Makoto's body, dark energy surges out of Makoto and pushes Haru, backwards. Haru digs her axe into the ground to prevent herself from being pushed, any further. She lands on the ground and looks up at Makoto, who is, now, wearing her black armor.

Haru Okumura: I think I prefer that look on's more fitting, I feel like.

Makoto does nothing but, quietly, chuckles to herself. She dashes towards Haru at a speed that catches Haru off guard. Two sharp blades shoot out of Makoto's gauntlets and she begins, frantically, swinging them both at Haru, recklessly. Haru uses her axe to block all of the unpredictable strikes. She rams the base of her axe into Makoto's exposed jaw with as much force as she can muster. Makoto leaps, backwards, creating some space, between the two. To Haru's surprise, Makoto begins, laughing to herself, maniacally. She spits a large amount of blood onto the ground, below her and stares at Haru, evilly.

Makoto Niijima: That tickled.

Despite feeling a bit disturbed by Makoto's actions, Haru does her best not to show this. Makoto dashes at Haru, again and, once again, continues to, frantically, swing her gauntlet blades at Haru. This time, Makoto is able to slash Haru's stomach, shoulder, right thigh and cheek with the blades, drawing blood. Makoto grabs Haru's axe with both of her hands and ejects two small blades out of the boots she's wearing. Unable to block with her axe, Haru has no choice but to suffer through the pain of Makoto puncturing her stomach with both of these two small blades.

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