Chapter 22: Extra Spicy

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Ext. Junkyard – Continuous

She places her claw-like thumbs over Haru's swollen eyes and the rest of her claw-like fingers on the sides of her face, just like she did with Kaneshiro. Before she begins gauging out Haru's eyes with her thumb-like claws, something returns to her mind...something, that she never expected to see, again...the same ideal future that she saw during her psychologist appointment with Dr. Maruki. Both of her hands begin trembling as images of a happy family with Akira, everyone in her friend group staying close, Sae's smiling face and many other images that represent her ideal future. A future that would be put in jeopardy if she killed Haru, in that moment, even if it was in the Metaverse. Makoto gulps, hard and her hands shake, even more as she decides, internally, whether she wants to kill Haru or not. Eventually, her claw-like fingers are removed from Haru's beat-up face and Makoto wipes some Haru's blood that had splattered onto her face.

Makoto Niijima: I...never want to see your fucking face, again. Do you fucking understand what I'm saying? I could kill you, right here and now aren't a vile piece of shit like Kaneshiro...or your I'm giving you something that I never gave them or the other scum that I've killed...a second chance. Stop bothering me...stop bothering my friends! If you ever come after me or The Phantom Thieves, again, I promise that I won't be this generous. Nod your head, yes, if you understand what I'm saying to you, Haru.

Haru stares at Makoto but her head doesn't move an inch. Makoto presses her knee into Haru's throat with as much force as she can muster, causing Haru to cough blood onto the ground, next to them.

Makoto Niijima: Nod. Your. Fucking. Head.

Haru stares at Makoto with her malice and resentment. Her actual eyes are, barely, visible with how swollen they both are. Slowly, she nods her head, yes, causing Makoto to, completely, release her knee from Haru's throat. Loki looks on, almost in disappointment at Makoto, after witnessing her sparing Haru's life. Loki disappears in a black cloud of darkness and Makoto's armor disappears as well. Makoto stands up and stares at Haru's defeated body, one last time.

Makoto Niijima: I really...hope that we never meet, again, Haru Okumura...for both of our sakes.

Makoto walks away from Haru, who remains on the ground of the junkyard. When Makoto is out of sight, Haru grits her teeth in frustration and tears begin to form in her eyes. Despite feeling weak, she's, barely, able to make fists with both of her hands.

Int. Café Leblanc – Later

Akira is fast asleep on his bed, in the attic of Café Leblanc, with Morgana sleeping, soundly, on his stomach. A knock on the door, downstairs, wakes both Akira and Morgana up.

Morgana: Who in the mother fuck is that, at this hour?

Morgana gasps.

Morgana: Holy must be an intruder; Frizzy-hair, someone's trying to rob the place. I'm sure the chief has a stick somewhere, downstairs. Want me to go look for it?

Akira scratches his head in confusion, still waking up from the sound sleep he was in.

Akira Kurusu: Stick? I thought dogs liked playing fetch with sticks, not cats.

Morgana: You dumb, unknowledgeable about the streets, mother fucker, I meant a gun! Also, I'm not a cat, I'm a—

Akira Kurusu: Yeah, yeah. A human. I get it. Anyways, I, seriously, doubt that it's an intruder.

Morgana: How can you be so sure?

Akira Kurusu: What kind of intruder knocks on the door?

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