Sixteen - Never let me go

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"Christmas was drawing close, your mother's final Christmas with us and though it should've been a joyous time for all, Ella just kept fixating on what had happened the previous week, she felt like a failure and nothing I said changed her mind. 

Ella called me a week before Christmas day, when I got to the house she was sat on the floor in floods of tears alone, as Alfie was at work and you were at school. 

I was immediately at her side, searching her face ; I saw the pain in her tears and the fear in her eyes. She told me that a week prior she'd discovered that she was pregnant. Overjoyed at the prospect of a new child, but that joy was short lived as she miscarried. 

No one knew she was even pregnant, she was planning on telling you and your dad on Christmas day as a surprise, but when Christmas arrived, there was news left to give. So, she kept her loss a secret, only confiding in me, but swearing me to secrecy. 

This is what pushed Ella to the point of no return, Ella believed it was her fault she lost the baby, crippled with grief ; Ella thought she was being punished. I told her that she would get through this that I'd make sure of it, she told me that believed me that she'd fight once more, I stupidly believed her, she was dead a week later. 

Ella waited the week out, waiting for the opportunity to present itself, she promised herself when all her goodbye's had been given she would bring the knife to her wrist, going to her resting place where she believed that peace would prevail." 

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