Twenty five - the glory of love

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Henry - four months after her death

I had known this night was a bad idea from the very beginning but I went along with it anyway for even I couldn't deny that I had missed going out drinking and getting pissed with my best mate. 

Somehow though we got separated, which was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened, especially since I'd promised Jodie I would make sure he was ok. Alfie however thought I'd been drinking and taking as much as he had, but I hadn't, I was pretty much sober whilst Alfie was well ; off his head. 

I called him multiple times before he eventually answered but before I even got the chance to ask him where he was there was a loud crash through the phone and Alfie went quiet, he wouldn't answer. 

In the near distance, I saw a car that had flipped, smoke everywhere. Immediately, I set off in a run, this couldn't be happening it just couldn't. 

When I got to the car, there he was, Alfie, unconscious and unresponsive but I did hear a single word fall from his lips Ella and my heart just dropped as I dialled 999. 

The minutes flew by and before I knew it, I was sat in the back of the ambulance watching as the paramedics surrounded the stretcher as he flatlined. They performed CPR, whilst I sobbed, praying that this was a nightmare. Thankfully, after he'd been shocked he stabilised, for now anyway. 

I somehow found the courage to call Jodie but I simply couldn't say the words aloud, that Alfie was in critical condition ;  in danger of dying. All that came out was "It's Alfie, meet me at the hospital." 

When the ambulance pulled up at the hospital there was Jodie, stood there with open arms which I immediately fell into, both of us bonded through our friendship with Alfie, he couldn't leave us, we can't lose them both. 

As me and Jodie where sat in the waiting room, I started thinking over everything me and Alfie had been through. He couldn't leave me, he was my best friend ; I saw him as a brother. 

When me and Alfie were younger, we both went through a lot with our waste of space dads, only the other could relate to how it felt to fear the person you had to go home and see every day, that there was no escape from the hell we faced at the hands of the person we called father. 

Even though we were both in a dark place we were always there for eachother, whether that be through talking or through seeking solace together in alcohol or drugs. 

When we both finally managed to get away and escape our dad's as our mother's brought us to safety, still we were always there and that was how it always was and always would be because he was my brother and I had his back no matter what. 

Jodie had gone to call Laurent to check up on Jasmine when the doctor came and told me that Alfie was in fact in a coma but that I could go and sit with him. 

"Alfie, I know you want her back but she's gone, you can still come back to us though. You have a daughter and a life waiting for you that needs you. We will fall apart without you, especially me, you're what holds us together. We've already lost Ella, we can't lose you to, so please Alfie come back to us. We can't survive without both of you." I said to him as he led there, eyes closed with a head laceration that was stitched up. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, not when he was like this, so instead I closed my eyes alongside him and remembered the good times I shared with Alfie for the alternative was too much for me to comprehend. 

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