Twenty six - Be still

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I must've fallen asleep for I was woken up by Jodie hitting me on my arm. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see it was daylight outside ; I looked over to see Alfie still unresponsive. 

"He's still not awake." Jodie stated the obvious. 

"I know." I muttered. 

I was so mad at everyone and everything, blinded by rage, I stood up and grabbed the closest thing I could, the tv remote and hurled it across the room. Next went the chair then my fist met the wall over and over again until I was numb to the pain, till Jodie gently turned me around and held me in her arms. 

"He can't do this to us." I sobbed into her shoulder as she held me closer, both of us unsure on how to navigate this. 

"I haven't told Jasmine, she's at Laurens right now. I told her that Alfie was working away, I couldn't break her heart again but whatever happens Henry we have to be there for Jasmine, we're the only two people she has in the world right now." Jodie replied. 

"I know." I said as I retrieved the chair and both me and Jodie sat down waiting, hoping, praying that Alfie would choose us over Ella ; that he would just come back to us. 

We both stayed at Alfie's side for the remainder of the day and at two pm, Alfie started showing signs of waking up. I couldn't tell at first if I was simply imagining it or not because I knew it was what I wanted and the alternative I refused to think of.

"Did you see that?" I asked Jodie hoping she would confirm that it wasn't in my head. 

"See what?" She asked. 

"Guess not then, I thought he moved." I replied feeling completely defeated. 

Five minutes had passed when his eyes slowly opened scanning the room, I thought I was dreaming at first, it felt unreal but as Jodie jumped up and grasped hid hand, I knew then that it was real. 

As I ran to his side standing beside Jodie, he looked up at us and smiled before he broke down as he swiftly brushed away the tears with his hand. 

"I can't die ; it's not what she wants." Was all he said, neither me nor Jodie said anything as we gave him an understanding nod before both of us threw our arms around him and hugged him tightly. 

Once he'd calmed down me and Jodie dragged our chairs over to his bed. 

"Hey, at least you two don't have to play happy families bringing up Jasmine, though it would've been a laugh watching you two attempt to bring up a child together." Alfie said.

We all started laughing, Alfie was back, finally he was acting like his old self again, his humour was back at the very least and that was a step in the right direction. 

He spent the day drifting in and out of sleep as he was still weak from the accident meaning I hadn't had a chance to ask him what had happened concerning his past mentioning's of Ella. 

Jodie left later on to get Jasmine from Lauren's leaving me and Alfie alone, to my surprise Alfie brought Ella up first. 

"You know the saddest part is throughout high school I spent half my time loving her but the other part was spent hiding it because we were both too stubborn and too scared to admit it. I just wish he would've spoken earlier, you know had more time together." Alfie said to me. 

"She felt the same way Alfie, you know that." I replied. 

"I would've loved her forever if she'd given me the chance." Alfie told me before he drifted back off to sleep. 

I never knew Ella till I was in life skills with her in year ten, she was one of the many girls that liked Alfie, the difference was he fell for her too. I respected Ella though for she never threw herself at him like all the others did, she waited giving him time until he was ready for her, they understood eachother without ever exchanging a word, they were made for one another and they were perfect together. I grew to love Ella as a friend, but now though it hurts too admit it, I resent her. She allowed Alfie to fall in love with her, give her his all only for her to willingly leave him. Though I understand her reasoning, it's hard to watch Alfie suffer through his life without her but even so I am glad she's no longer in pain. 

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