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Chapter 11: Big Gamble

Gold Heights Condominium.

"These people are so evil!" Dominic Chua huffed angrily as he read the online comments on his mobile phone. "This is slander! Boss, let's sue the crap out of them!"

Iris blew over the steaming cup of vintage narcissus tea and inhaled its aroma. After taking a sip, she sighed at the exquisite flavour.

"Boss, how can you be so calm?! I'm so upset! How can they slander you like this?!"

"Come, have a cup of tea. It tastes wonderful."

"Boss, I don't want tea! What are we going to do? You just cleaned up the old posts from your accounts and the next second, people are saying you're pregnant and shit! What the fuck is wrong with these people?!"

"Dom, why are you so upset? They're talking about me, not you."

"Of course I'm upset! You're my boss! How can they say bad things to my boss? Unforgivable! I want to fight them!"

Iris chuckled. She enjoyed another sip of tea.

"You're such a good person. You treat all of us who work for you very well. I can't forgive these people spouting bullshit about you!"

Iris gently set down the tea cup on the table beside her. Then she leaned her head on her hand and looked at her angry assistant. "I was not always like this. Dom, were you not aware of my bad reputation before working for me?"

Dom frowned. "I had people warn me. They said that you're...you know..."

"That I'm a bitch?"

"Well, something like that." He waved a dismissive hand. "I'll only believe what I see with my own eyes. And what I'm seeing in front of me is the greatest boss in the whole wide world."

"That's because you only met the me now. It's true that I was a bitch before. My bad reputation is to be expected. No need to be upset."

"Then just show them the you now," he said.

"I'm planning to. But suing them is not the answer. Calm down, Dom, and have a cup. It's great tea."

"Fine," Dom mumbled. A maid stepped forward and poured a fresh cup of hot tea for him.

His phone rang.

Dom picked it up. "Hello?...Yes, this is Dominic Chua, Miss Iris Long's assistant...Please wait a moment." He turned to Iris, handed the phone to her, and whispered. "Boss, it's Mr. JJ."

"Alright. Thank you, Dom." She placed the phone on her ear. "Hello, Mr. JJ. This is Iris Long speaking."

A man's voice spoke. "I listened to the two tracks you sent me."


"Do you have more?"

"Of course."

"How many?"

"Enough for a cohesive album."


Iris sipped tea while she waited patiently.

"Are you really the one who composed these songs?"


"...They're very...different from your usual style."


"You won't explain more, huh."

"I want my music to do the talking this time." She took another sip. "Mr. JJ, what do you honestly think about what I sent you?"

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