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Chapter 621 - Fulfilled Promise

It wasn't only Iris who suffered when they didn't make love while she was recovering from injuries after the bomb attack. Now, Jin Liwei could finally release his pent-up desire, not to mention making his office fantasy about her a reality. All of these made him extra harder and vigorous than usual.

Iris couldn't ask for more. She wanted to cheer him on and thank him at the same time for FINALLY giving her what she needed but couldn't really speak anything that made sense due to his ultra-intense lovemaking.

He bent forward until she felt the hard muscles of his front torso on her back. One of his hands reached to her front and found the nub of pleasure over her hot, dripping core. Then he pressed it, sending a shock of electrical currents all over her body. But he wasn't done yet. He started rubbing it like crazy until her whole body was shaking violently. Her knees buckled. She would've already fallen if he wasn't holding her up.

Tears flowed down her eyes as the unintelligible sounds coming out of her throat became louder and more urgent.

Jin Liwei redoubled his efforts, pounding into her harder and faster. His teeth were gritted yet the big, feral grin remained on his face. At that moment, he didn't feel like a human anymore but a wild beast who was only focused on mounting his mate.

If another person were to hear them right now, they would've misunderstood and thought that someone was being brutally tortured and murdered. Iris was screaming and sobbing. She would sound very alarming to those who didn't know what was really happening. Fortunately, Jin Liwei's entire office was sound-proofed.

When Iris was on the verge of reaching the peak of her pleasure, Jin Liwei stopped and pulled out of her all of a sudden. The abrupt emptiness shocked and confused Iris, like someone threw a bucket of cold water at her overheated self.Before she could make sense of the situation, he pulled her up from her bent position. Her legs felt weak so he had to hold her up to prevent her from falling.

"Darling, what—"

He stopped her hoarse question with a fast and ruthless kiss. Instead of answering her, he lifted her up and laid her on his desk. Because her leggings restricted her thighs and prevented her legs from opening wide, he turned her body on the desk so that she was lying on her side instead, and then bent her knees close to her upper body until her side-turned core was exposed to his waiting, hard length which was still glistening with her juices.

Then once again, he plunged himself deep inside her wet heat. The new position felt tighter, eliciting a deep groan from him, and even making him almost come in that very instant. However, he controlled himself, not allowing himself to come unless his baby girl had reached her climax first.

Iris turned her upper body to face him even as her lower body was turned to the side. Due to her extremely flexible body, she was even able to lift her torso up a little and pull his head for a kiss while he thrust himself again and again deep inside her.

He swallowed her moaning whimpers, as he felt her insides tightening deliciously around his rod.

Soon after, she broke their kiss and her upper body plopped back down on his desk. Her sobbing and screaming returned in full force. More items crashed to the floor as her hands swept around wildly due to her inability to control her body.

His hand grabbed one of her breasts, his beloved treasure, and squeezed it in time his thrusts.

Then finally, Iris' entire body tightened like a coil before she felt a glorious sea of fire wash over her, drowning her in hot pleasure, as countless mind-blowing explosions almost made her faint. It felt like she just left her body and ascended through the high heavens for a fraction of a moment before slamming back into her body to experience all the pleasure Jin Liwei was pounding into her.

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