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Chapter 231 - Destiny

Back to the present.

Watching the beautiful young woman sleeping in his arms, Jin Liwei thought that destiny was cruel. However, when thinking about it carefully, his destiny was determined not by pure chances alone but also by his own goddamn choices.

He was the one who chose to slip away from his mother's birthday ball two years ago and overheard Fan Luo's words. He was the one who chose to believe Fan Luo over the girl named Iris Long even when the evidence pointed at Fan Luo's fault. He was the one who chose to erase all the evidence, not knowing that he was protecting an evil monster who already harmed other women before.

Then a year and a half later, he was the one who decided to approach the beautiful young woman reading a Russian book at the hotel lobby. He was the one who decided to pursue her even knowing that she was the girl he helped f*ck over. He was the one who allowed himself to fall so mindlessly in love with his baby girl.

Falling in love with Long Xiulan was the most unexpected thing that happened to him. The girl he thought insignificant two years ago turned out to become the most important person in his life.

The saying was true. Love indeed moved in mysterious ways.

At first, he only felt a primal and animalistic desire to obtain her after realizing what a genius she was. For the first time in his life, he felt lust for another human being. It didn't matter that she was the girl who he helped f*ck over by erasing the evidence of her past accident. He just simply wanted her for himself.

He didn't know exactly when his feelings started to evolve into love. She was like a black hole that sucked him in without any chances of escape. His fall was very quick—boom! He was never the same again.

Now that he was completely in love with her, he realized that he just didn't want her as his wife. He wanted her love, her everything. He also wanted her to accept him for who he was.

But how could she do that when he was hiding such a terrible secret from her?

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His secret was like a ticking time bomb. Any moment it could explode and when it did, everything he built with her so far would be destroyed into smithereens without any hope of recovery. He needed to defuse the bomb himself by telling her the truth.

"When you wake up, I'll tell you everything," he whispered to her.

He pulled her closer to his body, as if trying to fuse her with him so that they could never be separated. Fear of losing her prevented him from falling asleep. He could deal with her fury and even her hatred, but he didn't think he could deal with it if she decided to leave him forever.

A great pain squeezed his heart. He continued to agonize over his guilt and fear while he waited for her to wake up.


When the news broke out, everyone was shocked. All the condemnations and accusations thrown at both Jin Chonglin and Iris Long immediately stopped.

The LinLuo shippers and the haters of Jin Chonglin and Iris Long all shut up. They couldn't believe that Fan Luo, the most perfect woman in their eyes, was actually such an evil woman. Many of them were in denial, even yelling fake news. However, the evidence was strong against Fan Luo.

As for the Black Stars and Jin Chonglin's army of fans, they were stunned and then enraged. They screamed bloody murder and denounced Fan Luo. They also cried in heartbreak over what their Boss Iris and Prince Lin Lin suffered because of this evil monster.

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