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Chapter 1121 - Beat The Record

In the audience, Dom was translating what Jin Chonglin said to Alric Bauer in English. Although Alric was working hard learning Mandarin in the last few months, he still had a long way to go in understanding formal speeches. His English wasn't that proficient either but at least it was many times better than his understanding of Mandarin. It was such a hard language to learn, in his opinion. Fortunately, Dom was a very expressive person. His English translation included exaggerated body gestures and facial expressions that made it easier for Alric to understand the meaning.

Upon understanding that Jin Chonglin was thanking him, Alric smiled and nodded at the man on the stage. His reaction was caught on camera and shown on the large screen above the stage.

Loyal Orchidia Beauty users respected him a lot because if there was no Alric Bauer, there would be no amazing and nearly miraculous skincare products. Of course, Iris Long also deserved a great deal of credit for poaching a talented person like him and bringing him all the way from Germany to China in order to create a company to sell the enhanced versions of his all-natural homemade skincare products.

While the emcee continued interviewing Jin Chonglin and Chen Fei on stage, Dom noticed his friend fidgeting beside him.

"Sis Jing, are you okay?" he asked.

Long Jinjing was startled a little at his question before looking guilty. She tried to hide her real feelings behind a smile. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me, Dom."

"Hmmm." Dom squinted his eyes at her. "Do you want to leave now and go to the hospital to stay with Big Bro Boss Haohao?"

Her reaction showed that Dom hit bullseye. "Uhm...."

Dom giggled but his eyes quickly turned sad. He sighed. "I really hope that Big Bro Boss wakes up soon."

Her eyes watered but she quickly blinked and bit her lower lip to prevent herself from turning into a sobbing mess. Her makeup took a long time to finish. She wasn't going to ruin it by crying in public. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak because her throat already felt choked up with her emotions.

"Sis Jing, just wait until we officially launch Prince Lin Lin's products and open them for orders. Then you can leave and head to the hospital. My handsome and beautiful self will cover for you."

Long Jinjing felt tempted but she ended up shaking her head. "Thanks, Dom, but I need to stay until the event ends later tonight. I can't just leave everything to Xiao Fei—COO Chen especially since President Long is already absent due to her bed rest."

"Okay, Sis Jing. Don't worry. It's only one night anyway and it'll soon be over. You can stay with Big Bro Boss Haohao tomorrow. Maybe you can also persuade Grandpa Boss to take a rest. Boss and Sir Boss are so worried about him."

She sighed. "I know. I already tried persuading Grandpa Lu to rest many times before but he refused to leave Zihao's side. I can't force him to leave. If not for work, I don't want to leave Zihao's side either, so I can understand Grandpa Lu."

Dom sighed. They sighed together. Their thoughts were filled of the comatose Lu Zihao who still hadn't shown any signs of waking up since he collapsed.

"Pay attention," Alric rebuked the two of them.

Long Jinjing looked embarrassed and immediately turned her face forward to the stage while Dom ehehe'd and winked at the annoyed German.

Finally, Jin Chonglin and Chen Fei announced the start of the countdown to officially launch the exclusive Prinz men's line and open it for orders. Almost all the guests in the audience took out their phones in anticipation.

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