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Chapter 161 - I'll Go With You

Gold Heights Condominium.

Later that night, Iris was at the library office reviewing some language textbooks. She figured that she should at least refresh her knowledge before she started her formal education as a Cross Academy student.

She was reclining on the chaise longue surrounded by several books when Jin Liwei came to see what she was up to. After dinner, they went to their bedroom. She washed up first because he needed to take an important call. When it was his turn at the bathroom, he thought that she was waiting on their bed but when he was done, she was nowhere in sight. He went out of the room and started looking for her. One of the maids told him that his baby girl headed to the library office.

Seeing her so serious, he stood back. He wanted to admire her a bit first. As usual, whenever she was too engrossed in something, she would lose awareness of her surroundings. She hadn't noticed him yet.

Finally, he couldn't hold it any longer. He wanted to touch her now, so he walked the distance between them in just a few long strides. Despite the sound of his footsteps, she still failed to notice him.

A bit displeased, he sat down beside her and pulled her in his arms, nuzzling her neck.

"What—" Annoyed at being abruptly disturbed, she frowned and was about to rebuke him but his lips on her neck deliciously tickled her. She shivered a bit before stretching her neck to give him better access.

He inhaled her sweet scent, and then gave a long lick from her collarbone, up her neck, to her earlobe. He started feeling the familiar desire building within his lower abdomen.

"What are you doing?" he whispered to her ear.

She lightly ran her fingers through his hair. "Studying."

"For what?"

"Mmn...I'm enrolling in a school."

He was a little surprised. He straightened and looked at her. "That's great. Congratulations, baby."

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

"What are you studying?" he asked, although he already had an idea seeing the kind of books currently scattered around her.

"Foreign languages."

"That's good." He nodded, smiling, and then kissed her forehead. "So which school are you going to?"

"Hmm...a Swiss school."

His smile froze. "What?"

"You know, a school in Switzerland."

A sense of panic suddenly rushed over him. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself but the expression on his face was already beginning to turn ugly.

"Baby, have you thought about this carefully?"

"Yes." She sensed the change in his emotions. She tilted her head to the side, wondering why.

"Have you enrolled already?"

"The process will probably be completed tomorrow. I already met with the academy's Headmaster and the admissions counselor earlier today. They specifically flew all the way from Switzerland just to meet me. There should be no problems in my enrollment."

He was dismayed that she planned and did all of these things without his knowledge. He took several more deep breaths to try controlling his now increasingly turbulent emotions.

"So you're going to Switzerland?"

"Hm?" She blinked, a bit confused. She was about to say no but he spoke before she could.

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