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Chapter 571 - Don't Ever Forge

"Fucking shit!!!" Zhu Ning shrieked and threw a bunch of tattered newspapers and magazines at the TV. "Iris Long! Iris Long! I always hear that little slut Iris Long, her fucking company Orchidia Shitty, and her big slut of a mother Wei Lan everywhere! I'm so fucking tired hearing about them!!! Fuck!!!"

Long Jian pressed his lips together into a thin line, trying to hide his distaste at his mother's coarse words. Instead of replying to her, he walked over instead, grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.

"Hey! I was watching!" Zhu Ning complained.

"Try not to watch or read the news anymore, Mother. You'll only get upset at what you'll hear. Remember what the doctor said when you got hospitalized. You shouldn't stress yourself too much," he told her.


"Mother, about your concerns, don't worry about them. We were in a public setting during the party. The media was also present. I have to be on my best behaviour, even to Long Hui, Long Xiulan and Father's third wife. Not to mention that I'm currently the company's Deputy COO. I can't be rude to anyone or it'll reflect badly on the reputation I worked so hard to build in the company. Please understand, Mother. I had to act nice with them in public. It doesn't mean that I'm now close to them and replacing you."

His coaxing softened up Zhu Ning.

"Alright, son. Mother was just scared that I'll lose you. You're my pride and joy, my treasure."

"Yes, Mother. I know."

The atmosphere lightened after that. Long Jian was relieved. He was about to suggest that they go to sleep but his mother had other ideas.

"So that little slut Long Xiulan has been appointed as brand ambassador of Long Industries? Does that mean that she'll start joining the battle of succession? I know that she has a lot of supporters within the clan—stupid people—but your Uncle Xiaopeng said that she has never bothered involving herself with clan matters," she said.

"Long Xiulan is just a brand ambassador, Mother. That position wields no power in the company. She's just basically a pretty face hired by us to endorse and make the company look good," he explained. "I don't know exactly what her plans are but if she really has ulterior motives about Long Industries, she's not going to succeed by holding a useless position. I would feel more threatened if she started at the bottom as an intern. Right now, I still think that Long Hui is the biggest threat. According to Uncle Xiaopeng, he's once again starting to stabilize his support system in the clan after he broke up with that bodyguard and got engaged with that plastic bimbo."

Zhu Ning nodded. "Yes, you're right. You're the smartest so you can see things more clearly than Mother. But you should still be careful of that little slut Long Xiulan. She's the daughter of that crafty old bitch Wei Lan. If she's really eyeing your father's seat as the next head of Long Industries, I'm sure that she has many disgusting tricks up her sleeves just like her mother. Don't let down your guard, son."

"I understand, Mother. I'll be careful."

"How's everything at work, son? I rarely see you. You've been so busy leaving for business trips. I've missed you!"

"Everything is going well, Mother. I've now earned the COO's full trust, so he entrusts me with a lot of important tasks, helping me build experience and reputation not only in the company but also in the country's business industry in general. That's why he's sending me to a lot of business trips to close deals and meet with important business clients...things like that."

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