1111 - 1120

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Chapter 1111 P - J

Both Jin Liwei and Xu Tian were speechless at the sudden turn of events. They looked at each other and felt that things were spiraling out of control especially when Ketchup announced the next words.

"Daddy, Mommy is calling. Connecting in 3...2...meow!"

"Jin. Li. Wei."

Jin Liwei tensed, immediately sensing his wife's anger. There was no mistaking it. His wife must be fuming just based on her tone. Everything right now felt like déjà vu but the difference was that his wife was immediately mad at him this time without even waiting for him to explain first. This was completely different from before when he unexpectedly made their AI son cry for the first time.


"How dare you instruct Xu Tian to throw away our son's present for you?!"

Xu Tian flinched at hearing his own name. He desperately wanted to escape the president's office to somewhere safer where the lady boss' line of fire wouldn't be directed at him as an unfortunate casualty. However, the weight of the long, rectangular package in his arms felt like it was becoming heavier the longer he stayed in his spot. Its figuratively increasing heaviness was preventing him from leaving.

Having no choice, he steeled himself to stay and join his boss to face the wrath of the lady boss for making the Young Master Bacon cry. This was why he preferred dealing with the Young Miss Ketchup who was extremely friendly. The Young Master Bacon's personality was just too difficult to deal with.

The furious Iris continued her emotional tirade. "This is the first time Bacon bought you a present and you want to throw it away?! Where is your heart?! My poor baby! Bacon, don't cry anymore. Your dad's mind has become too addled with work!"

Jin Liwei inwardly sighed while massaging his temples. He was about to explain to his wife that he didn't know that P.J. was Bacon but then he heard the sound of his wife crying as well. Something seemed to drop in the pit of his stomach. "Love?"

"This is the first time our Bacon bought presents for his parents but you...you want to throw it away?! How could you, Jin Liwei?! You—go sleep in another room tonight. I'm too upset to see you today!"

Beep beep.

She hung up on him.

Jin Liwei's eyes contracted and his nostrils flared. He glanced at his computer monitor and even his AI daughter was looking at him as if he had turned into a heartless monster. There was a puddle of tears surrounding Ketchup.

"Hah..." He looked at the long, rectangular package that his assistant was carrying. "Give it to me."

"Yes, sir." Xu Tian carefully placed it on the huge wooden desk.

The package was long and not especially thick. It was wrapped in a simple black cloth instead of regular wrapping paper. The only pop of colour was a gold envelope attached to it.

He took the envelope, opened it, and fished out a simple card. It said:

"To Dear Father who is our family's dedicated guardian, protector and allowance provider to us, your children,

"Thank you for always prioritizing Mother who is the classiest in the whole wide universe. That makes you a classy man for being such a loving and caring husband to your wife, our beloved mother.

"Also, thank you for always helping Bacon to demand compensation for emotional distress from all the stupid idiots who dare offend me. Please continue to assist Bacon and milk those not classy imbeciles of their money.

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