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Chapter 311 - The Long Family Elders

Long Ancestral Residence.

The elders gathered together to speak with Long Tengfei and Long Hui at the compound's main wing. All of the elders were very displeased at the recent scandal of their Young Miss Xiulan.

The atmosphere within the meeting hall was so oppressive that Yang Jiahui wanted to bolt out of the place. However, she endured and stayed beside her husband to give him moral support. She had always been ill at ease with the Long elders. They only treated her as "barely acceptable" as the current madam of the Long family. She wasn't from a wealthy, aristocratic or influential family, but she was well-educated and had a modestly successful career before she married Long Tengfei.

This was the only reason that they weren't treating her like a complete sh*t, unlike how they treated Wei Lan, Iris' mother, and Long Tengfei's former mistresses, the mothers of his two illegitimate children.

Although this gathering pertained to their Young Miss's latest scandal, it wasn't their main concern. After all, they were already used to her being featured on the news all the time and "shaming" the Long family name again and again.

This time, everyone was more concerned about the inclusion of Long Jun, a.k.a. Little Jun, in the recent tabloid news.

"Hai! The Young Miss Xiulan only knows how to bring trouble to our family! Because of her, it's only a matter of time before the existence of Young Master Hui's bastard son is exposed to the public!" Long Meng complained.

She was the second most prominent elder in the clan. She was the cousin of Long Tengfei's father and the head of one of the branch families.

Long Hui's expression darkened when his son was called a bastard. Although it was true in the literal meaning of the word, the way Elder Long Meng said it sounded too offensive for him as a father. He was about to protest when Long Tengfei gestured for him to calm down. It was difficult, but he sat back and tried to control himself.

"Hmph! I've already said this a million times before. Xiulan will one day cause our Long family's downfall! She has always been the shame of our family. And now she is the reason why the newest shame of our family will be exposed for all the world to see! At this rate, our Long family won't have any face left to show other people!" Another Long family elder added.

Long Jufang was the most prominent elder in the family. He was Long Tengfei's uncle, his father's younger brother. He was also the head of the most powerful branch in the family after the main family headed by Long Tengfei. If the main family ever collapsed, his branch family would be the next in line to take over as head of the entire Long clan.

"Newest shame? Are you calling my son a shame of the family, Granduncle Jufang?" Long Hui could no longer stop himself from speaking out. He stood up with a furious expression on his face.

"You dare speak and look at your elder like that, Little Hui? Perhaps being the heir has already gone to your head that you think that you can order your elders around and disrespect us?" Elder Long Jufang's sharp tone was like a whip.

Long Hui couldn't help but flinch a bit at the memory of the elder disciplining him in his childhood. The other family members in the meeting hall also had similar reactions to him. Elder Long Jufang was a frightening existence to most of them. Only Long Tengfei faced him without any fear.

"Well, Little Hui?"

"Son, Uncle Jufang. Both of you please calm down. This is not the time for arguments like this. Remember the reason why you all came and gathered here today," Long Tengfei spoke in a voice filled with authority.

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