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Chapter 281 - Feng Jiu Interviews Iris Long Part IV

The man was wearing a suit, indicating that he came as a Black Star to watch Iris' interview. His companions sitting beside him were horrified at his outburst. He continued his condemnation of Iris, throwing graphic curses at her that were completely inappropriate for general viewers.

"Break up with that motherf*cking fiancé of yours! He's nothing but a bastard who's robbing you of your career and fans like me! If you stop acting like a sl*t now, I can still forgive you as long as you remain pure and continue to work hard pleasing us fans!"

All of the Black Stars felt enraged, not only because their Boss Iris was being insulted, but also because at the betrayal. The fact that they had been sitting together with a traitor all this time and treating him as their comrade left a nasty taste in their mouths.

They immediately banded together and scolded the traitor. They felt more furious now than when they quarreled earlier with Maestro Liu Wei's two students. Even as they were angry at him, they were also angry at themselves. It felt as if they failed to uphold the unity of Black Stars that they were so proud of.

Watching another commotion happen in the audience, Feng Jiu was dismayed. This was her show and it didn't sit well with her that things were going out of her control. The director, however, was filled with excitement. He fought the urge to rub his hands together. He instructed the cameramen to record everything.

'This will definitely make for a good show,' he thought.

All the drama in one episode! He was already fantasizing about the high ratings the show would rake in after this episode aired.

As for Iris, she watched everything with cold eyes. She stood up, looking directly at the crazed man. Her aura changed. She was now like an empress whose decree was being questioned by one of her rebellious subjects.

The crazed man flinched at her heavy stare. "W-what?"

"Thank you very much for your past support of my music," Iris spoke to him in a clear voice. It wasn't loud but it was still heard throughout the studio. Her tone was cold and unyielding, giving off pressure not only to the man but also to everyone else. "However, I don't owe you anything outside my career as an artist. You used your money to buy my music, not my freedom or my life. I am not your slave. Just as you and everyone else here have the right to enter a proper relationship, I also have the same right to be with my fiancé."

Everyone was silent now. They were all listening to her. Even the crazed man stopped shouting.

Iris continued, her tone becoming gentle yet also determined. "I assure all of you that being engaged or married will NOT affect my ability to create and share my music with you. In fact, I feel very inspired right now. If you can't accept my relationship, then I can only thank you for your past support to me. I love my man and won't break up with him just because you asked me to. And to those who are still supporting me up to this point, you have my deepest gratitude. Always know that I appreciate all of you. Even when I'm married and have my own family, I'll continue to work hard to give you the best music that I can create to pay back all of the support you constantly give me. True Black Stars will always have a big place in my heart."

Her speech touched all of the Black Stars. Even the crazed man was affected. After all, he was a Black Star up until a few moments ago.

"Don't worry, boss! We support you! People like him aren't true fans! We are! They're just sick psychos who have holes in their brains! We'll follow you until the end!"

The crazed man looked conflicted. He wiped tears and snot from his face.

It was the kind of atmosphere that easily overwhelmed people. The feeling of devotion the Black Stars had for Iris was like a living entity influencing all the surrounding individuals. Iris was their queen. All of these trials they were experiencing together with her only reinforced their loyalty towards their queen.

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