721 - 730

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Chapter 721 - Nobody Noticed

Within the organized mess called the construction site, a new shipment of steel pipes had just arrived. They were in different sizes, from small, thin ones to huge, thick structural pipes. Individually, an average steel pipe was quite lightweight compared to its sturdy appearance, but since these pipes were packaged in huge industrial bundles, they weighed a few tonnes altogether.

The foreman was in charge of ensuring that the correct sets of pipes were delivered to the right place within the construction site. He was almost finished giving out instructions when his full bladder complained, giving him no choice but to answer nature's call right away. He called another senior colleague to finish up the task.

"These are the last bundles. They go to the ground floor. Just make sure that before they're moved there, you check that all the ties holding them together are secure so they won't fall all over the place while being transported." After giving instructions, the foreman rushed to the nearest portable toilet.

His colleague was also experienced, so he took no issue in handling the task. He began checking the remaining bundles with an expert eye. But before he could finish checking the final bundle of regular plumbing pipes, another colleague called him for help. Seeing that all the other bundles had no problems, he only gave a cursory glance at the final bundle and deemed it safe before leaving to help his colleague.

After he left, another group of construction workers arrived. Although the foreman was not present, they found the written marks on the pipes indicating that they had already been checked, so they didn't waste any time transporting the pipes to where they were supposed to go.

Unknown to them, the final bundle of steel pipes began to loosen from their packaging. The ties holding the pipes together looked worn and in danger of breaking. The good thing was that the pipes only needed to be transported to the building's ground floor so the distance was shorter compared to the other bundles which needed to be lifted to the upper floors by crane. The ties held on and didn't break after arriving at their designated place in the ground floor.

Even then, the ties continued to stretch, silently breaking apart little by little. But nobody noticed.


The food that Iris ordered for the construction workers started arriving by the time Jin Liwei and his entourage made their way back to the ground floor of the unfinished building. Delicious aroma permeated the air and made everyone salivate. There was nothing fancy about the lunch but the portions were big and the dishes familiar. They were guaranteed to satisfy the worker's hungry stomachs. There was a selection of different types of desserts included as well.

Xu Tian stepped forward and announced that everything was ordered by President Jin's fiancée which most of them already knew was the celebrity Iris Long. It caused an uproar not only among the construction workers but also to the people in the middle of delivering the food. [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please read this novel on W e b n o v e l. Thank you! -Arria Cross]

"Holy shit!" one of the younger delivery guys exclaimed. "Don't tell me that the man my mom was taking the orders from on the phone earlier was the famous Dom Chua, Boss Iris' best friend and assistant extraordinaire? Ah! If I knew, I would've snatched the phone from my mom and took the lunch orders myself so that I could brag about it to my fellow Black Stars online!"

Within minutes, the news that Iris Long ordered a generous lunch feast for all the manual workers who were working on a Jin Corporation project spread all over the internet. Once the Black Stars learned about it, they descended in droves and shared the news like crazy online. They were all very proud and couldn't stop praising their Boss Iris to the heavens as the most generous woman in the world. The news spread so fast that even a few major news outlets decided to feature it, mostly because it involved not only Iris Long but also Jin Corporation.

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