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Chapter 91 - Catfigh

Another hour passed by. Lunch time was over. The employees returned to their work after eating.

The Alarm Girls were hungry and angry. They snapped at their manager who offered to buy them lunch, telling them that they should eat while waiting.

'Fine, if you don't wanna eat then don't eat. Hmph!' he thought as he chewed on another biscuit.

Finally, after more than five hours of waiting. Mr. Chen's secretary stepped out of the elevator and found them.

She introduced herself in a detached, professional manner, observing the bedraggled appearances of the three girls. She inwardly shook her head at the girls' stupidity and bad luck for offending someone they shouldn't have offended. Only someone with a screw loose would dare offend Jin Corporation, yet these girls did.

"Hello," the manager immediately greeted the secretary with a fawning smile. "These are Wanwan, Feifei and Mimi. They're the Alarm Girls and I'm their manager. Is Mr. Chen ready to see us?"

"We've been waiting for five hours," Wanwan grumbled.

The secretary cast a cold look at the complaining girl.

The manager laughed awkwardly. He wanted to knock some sense into the stupid girl's head. He smiled at the secretary. "Please lead the way. We are looking forward to meeting with Mr. Chen."

The secretary inwardly sighed at being assigned the unpleasant job of informing these unfortunate girls that they waited for so long in vain. Alas, her boss had no desire to meet them in person. She cleared her throat and spoke in a cold tone.

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"Miss Wanwan, Miss Feifei, Miss Mimi, Mr. Manager. I regret to inform you that our company cannot continue on with this endorsement deal with you. There are issues that cropped up at the last minute and we decided that the Alarm Girls aren't the best fit to endorse our products. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we stand behind our final decision. We wish you good luck on your career. The exit is that way. Please stay safe on the road. Have a good day."

The manager blinked. His mind turned blank. W-what? This wasn't happening, right? He worked so hard and so long to obtain this deal. H-how come? What in the world happened?

The three girls also froze, not believing what they just heard. The endorsement deal was off? Just like that?

No way.

Wanwan: "What the hell are you saying? Say that again!"

The secretary ignored the girl's attitude and spoke in a cold voice. "Our company has decided that the endorsement agreement with you is now cancelled. After much consideration, we believe that your group is not suitable to endorse our products. Please kindly leave because Mr. Chen will not be meeting with you."

"Wait! I...there must be some mistake," the manager said. He was sweating hard. "I talked with Mr. Chen a number of times and he assured me that the endorsement deal will be given to my girls."

"Mr. Manager, there is no such thing as a sure thing in the business world, especially if the contract is not signed yet. I'm sure you know that." The secretary made a show of looking at her wristwatch. "Please excuse me. I am quite busy at the moment. The exit is right there. Please show yourselves out."

Feifei couldn't take it anymore. She had been the most understanding while they were forced to wait for hours. Now that they learned that they waited for nothing, she felt furious.

"Is this how you treat your endorsers?! You made us wait for more than five hours! If the deal is off, you should've told us earlier! Then we wouldn't have waited all this time!"

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