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Chapter 591 - Blaze Of Heat And Zap Of Electricity

Sensing her man's pain and fear of losing her, Iris' unhappiness of being stopped from checking and fixing Ketchup evaporated. Her full attention was now on Jin Liwei. She could understand how he must be feeling.If their situations were reversed, she would also feel the same way as him.

"I'm sorry that you had to experience something dangerous and scary like that yesterday," he told her. "I wish I was there to personally protect you, not allowing you to suffer even just one bruise on your body. I wish that I could take away all of your injuries and pain. I don't want you to suffer anything."

A smile softened her expression. She caressed his cheek. There was mutual tenderness in how they looked in each other's eyes.

"Don't apologize. What happened yesterday was not your fault," she replied. "I know that you love me and want to protect me. In fact, I'm now thankful that you and Big Brother insisted on providing me with a large security team. If it weren't for both of your subordinates, I might have been more gravely injured. So thank you."

"This is natural. It's what I should do for the woman I love."

The couple continued staring into each other's eyes, kissing gently and then smiling. Stare, kiss, smile. They repeated these actions until they were interrupted by their two cats who couldn't endure their hunger and full bladders any longer. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via noovelllbbin

"Meow!" Ice Cream's expression looked pitiful. She really tried hard to wait and endure for the sake of her mommy but couldn't anymore. The call of nature was something that was difficult to ignore.

"MEOW!!! MEOW!!! MEOW!!!" Popcorn had already jumped down the bed and walked around restlessly in circles in front of the door.

Jin Liwei sighed while Iris chuckled.

"Alright, I understand. I'll let you out now," Jin Liwei told them, as he gently disentangled himself from his baby girl. He froze when he saw her wince. "Sorry, love. Did I hurt you?"

"I'm fine. Go on and let the cats out. I don't want them having an accident inside our room."

He nodded and got up, careful of his movements so as not to hurt her. The cats followed him as he led them all the way out of the suite. Fortunately, Ice Cream and Popcorn already knew where to go to do their business without Jin Liwei needing to accompany them.

Iris was on her way to the bathroom when he returned to their bedroom after letting the cats out. He hurried to her and supported her, alarm and worry in his expression.

"I can walk perfectly fine, you know," she told him.

He didn't reply, still continuing to support her to the bathroom.

She was helpless at his overprotectiveness but didn't argue. In fact, she liked it. She felt warm and loved by him, so she allowed him to do what he wanted. It was his way of easing his worry for her. Besides, she didn't have the energy to deny him. Her entire body ached and felt stiff. The wound on her jaw was stinging while the major injuries on her neck and shoulder throbbed, spreading the pain to the surrounding parts of her body.

Jin Liwei saw her discomfort even if she tried to hide it from him. There was a little furrow between her brows, hinting that she was enduring some kind of pain. It pained him so much to see her suffering like this, especially since she was doing her best not to show it.

Then hatred for Tian Kong flooded him. His baby girl was in pain because of that motherfucker! He would never be at peace if he didn't make the bastard pay for attempting to kill his woman.

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