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Chapter 241 - Where Is Iris Long?

At first, it was very difficult for Jin Liwei's employees to get used to seeing their President being followed around by kittens and cat sitters everywhere. He even brought them to important meetings. His employees began to wonder if their President finally snapped and went cuckoo in the head after the scandal with the Fans.

However, like so many generations of humans before them, they became utterly charmed and enslaved by the irresistible power of feline cuteness. They began taking sneak photos of the kittens when their President wasn't looking. Some even ran outside to buy some treats to try tempting the kittens and earn brownie points from them.

They also started calling the kittens "Young Miss Ice Cream" and "Young Master Popcorn". They thought it was hilarious at first, but they began to feel like it was just right. Of course the kittens of someone like their President Jin Liwei needed to be treated in a special way.

Popcorn ran around everywhere, curious at everything. His poor cat sitter huffed and puffed chasing after him all day. On the other hand, Ice Cream just stayed with her Daddy, either laying on his lap or on his desk while he worked.

She was very well-behaved, except when female employees tried to go near Jin Liwei. Then she would transform into a little tigress, hissing and baring her claws in a threatening manner, warning the female pests to stay away from her Daddy. Daddy only belonged to Mommy! She and Popcorn were given permission by their Mommy to scratch the faces off of anyone who dared steal away their Daddy! Until Mommy returned, she would safeguard Daddy!

Spending time with the kittens somewhat helped ease Jin Liwei's heartache as he continued longing for his baby girl. He still wasn't able to contact her. He had no idea where she was, but he trusted Grandpa Lu to keep her safe.

Besides running Jin Corporation, Jin Liwei partnered with Long Tengfei to help the other victims of Fan Luo and also the families of those unfortunate ones who lost their lives from her schemes. Based on the timeline, Iris was the eighth among the fourteen women harmed by Fan Luo.

Most of the women who survived Fan Luo's evil machinations became disabled because of their injuries. As a result, they couldn't find decent jobs, becoming burdens to their families instead. The ones who recovered well from their injuries only discovered now that the reason why they were blacklisted from their previous work was because of Fan Luo.

Learning about the truth of who caused their suffering ignited the hatred within their hearts.

"I hope that evil b*tch Fan Luo dies!"

"I'm very thankful for the one who kidnapped and tortured that evil woman. However, I wish he killed her instead of letting her go alive! I'm lucky that I only became paraplegic, but what about the other women who died because of her? She deserves death!"

It wasn't widely reported in the news, but it was briefly included in the exposé about Fan Luo that she ordered a hit on the people she paid to harm the fourteen women. So it wasn't only the families of the dead women who hated Fan Luo, but also the families of the ones she hired to harm the women. Yes, technically, they were also criminals but it didn't change the fact that they were still killed on the orders of Fan Luo after she used them.

Her evil knew no bounds.

These families stormed the hospital where Fan Luo was lying in coma and attempted to kill her themselves. However, her room was surrounded by police officers so they couldn't accomplish their objective.

Jin Liwei and Long Tengfei's offer of help somewhat mollified their desire for revenge. Both Jin Liwei and Long Tengfei gave the women and the families financial aid in the name of their fellow victim, Iris Long. They helped them secure good jobs based on their skill levels. They also paid the tuition fees of those who wanted to go back to school or get a certificate from a training institution with a promise of good jobs waiting for them after they finished their studies.

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