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Chapter 361 - Hidden Dragon

"Mother, please calm down," Wu Qianxi said as she pulled her mother back to her seat.

Although she also felt furious for being called a homewrecker by those bitches, she needed to maintain her image as a classy lady in front of the Longs, especially to Long Tengfei and the elders.

She didn't think much of Yang Jiahui. After all, she was already the third wife. It was possible that she might not be the last. Why should she be worried about someone easily replaceable? Besides, she would eventually become the next Madam Long when Long Hui succeeded.

"Jiahui, I advise you to be careful of your words," Long Jufang spoke for the first time since Long Tengfei silenced the elders with his threat. "The Wus are long-time friends of our Long family. And most importantly, our two families have partnered in several business projects over the years. As the Madam of our Long family, it is not wise to alienate them with your careless words."

The Wus looked smug after hearing the Long elder defend them.

Long Tengfei spoke next. His impassive expression made it difficult for the others to read his thoughts. He looked at the Wus. "So tell me what you want to happen? Is it for my son to break up with his fiancée and marry Wu Qianxi instead?"

Long Hui and Jiang Ying Yue both tensed, while the expressions of Iris and the others darkened. Long Jian also wore an impassive expression like his father, but inside he was laughing at Long Hui's misfortune.

"Yes, that's the most ideal scenario," Long Meng replied. "It's also what is right and what should happen since our two families already have an agreement to marry Young Master Hui and Miss Wu Qianxi."

"Agreement? Why wasn't I informed that there is a signed agreement between our two families? Who's the one who made this decision and bypassed me, the head of the family?"

"There is no written agreement, Father," Long Hui said.

"Brother Tengfei, Elder Long Meng is talking about the verbal agreement that the elders of our families made when our children were young. They agreed that this union between Long Hui and my daughter is for the best to deepen the relationship between our two families," Sir Wu explained.

Long Tengfei looked at Sir Wu like the man had just lost his mind. "We're both businessmen. You know very well that verbal agreements don't mean anything, only written and signed ones do. What were you thinking, using a verbal agreement from a long time ago to force a marriage between our two children? This is absolutely ridiculous.

"I also want to make something clear. Even though I am their father, I don't have the right to control the lives of my adult children. They are their own persons. Whatever decision they make is completely up to them. I can influence them, yes, but it's still their choice whether they do as I say or not. As a father, I don't have the right to dictate my children's lives. All of you have even less right than me to do so.

"This meeting is over. My son, Long Hui, will decide who he wants to marry. It will not be decided by me, and most certainly not by any of you. End of discussion." Long Tengfei's tone was final and dared anyone to defy his decision.

Delight and relief filled Long Hui's expression. "Thank you, Father!"

Long Jian's eyes turned cold. He was displeased that the scolding of Long Hui that he was expecting didn't happen. He thought that this was another example of their father's favouritism towards the legitimate son.

Wu Qianxi started sobbing once again. Her parents' expression became ugly.

Sir Wu couldn't accept it. "Brother Tengfei! You want to throw away our friendship for that gold digging slut?! Think about the close business relationship between our companies! If you continue to allow your son to hurt and humiliate my daughter and embarrass our Wu family like this, we'll pull out of all our business partnerships with Long Industries!"

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