1041 - 1050

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Chapter 1041 - A Little Bit Of Love

After drying Little Jun, Jiang Ying Yue carried her son to his colourful bedroom and dressed him in the new pyjama set that Grandpa Lu bought for him. The old man often showered the toddler with presents. Jiang Ying Yue was helpless about it.

It wasn't only Grandpa Lu who bought presents for her son. Almost everyone did. The household staff would sneak treats to Little Jun on a regular basis. It was fortunate that Little Jun inherited her body type and converted most of everything he ate into strength and energy instead of pure fat.

Her son was already starting to display an above average level of strength compared to kids his age. This prompted her to begin teaching him to be gentle as much as possible so as not to hurt anybody including himself. Now that Iris was pregnant and said pregnancy had made her even more delicate, Jiang Ying Yue would always remind her energetic son to take it easy around his Mama Xiulan. So far, Little Jun always listened to her.

Her son was a good child and she was so proud of him. Most importantly, she was also immensely grateful to the many people who loved him.


Jiang Ying Yue glanced at the slightly open door. Popcorn trotted inside the bedroom and landed on the bed and began playing with Little Jun. It was only about five minutes later that Ice Cream arrived when Little Jun was already fully dressed in his cute and fluffy panda pyjamas. As usual, the fat grey cat huffed and puffed while dragging her round body across the floor before leaping to the bed with a loud thump.

"Popkohn! Ash Kweem!" (Popcorn! Ice Cream!)

Jiang Ying Yue smiled at the three wrestling on the bed. Well, only Little Jun and Popcorn were rolling around while Ice Cream curled on top of a pillow watching the other two with clear annoyance.

After reading them a bedtime story, Little Jun was fast asleep along with his two cat cousins. Jiang Ying Yue carefully extricated herself from her son's embrace. She planned on taking a shower in her own room and returning to her son's room to sleep together with the three cousins. She kissed her son's forehead and headed out, careful to keep quiet as much as possible.

While she was in the hallway, her phone vibrated indicating a call. Her heart leaped after seeing the call display. However, she didn't notice what her heart did. Or more specifically, she pretended not to notice.

She answered the call. "Hello?"

"Good evening."

"Good eve—," she cleared her throat, "Good evening, Mr. Lin."

"Please call me Yehan. I already told you this before."

"Ah. Y-yes. Mr. Y-yehan...."

There was a soft sigh on the other end of the line but Jiang Ying Yue could almost see the man's gentle smile. "I guess that would suffice for now, Ying Yue."

She felt heat spreading all over her face and neck. She quickly ducked her head, attempting to hide her blushing face from her colleagues patrolling the mansion and any staff walking in the hallways at this time.

"Is that too forward of me?" Lin Yehan asked, his tone as gentle as always.


"I guess it is. I apologize. Alright, how about I call you Miss Ying Yue instead to match how you're calling me as Mr. Yehan?"

"Uh...that's okay, I guess."


Jiang Ying Yue didn't know how to respond. Fortunately, she didn't need to because Lin Yehan continued speaking.

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