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Chapter 991 - Liberal Upbringing

With Grandpa Lu declaring that the meeting was useless and a big waste of time, the board members who demanded it in the first place in order to help Rose Young reclaim the CMO position couldn't do anything. The old man's threat to elect new members to the board of directors caused them to feel a great sense of crisis. How could they still help Rose Young when they now had their own problems to deal with?

Rose Young couldn't bear how things were turning out. She had to reclaim her CMO position! It wasn't only for the purpose of getting close to her dream man, Jin Liwei, and seducing him, but this was also an extremely important mission that she had been appointed by her family. Like the board members, she was now feeling a great sense of crisis as well. No, what she was feeling was more than that. It felt like all of her and her family's plans were quickly collapsing right in front of her eyes. She couldn't allow this to continue!

She shot up from her seat. It was difficult to present a calm façade when all she wanted was to rage at the unfairness of the situation. However, she had to do her best to convince—no, to plead her case. It was obvious that the board members supporting her had changed their priorities in an instant to protect themselves first. Useless people! If they could no longer fight for her, then she could only depend on herself and fight her own battle right now.

"Sir Lu, please! I...you're mistaken, sir. I'm not whining at all. I think you're misunderstanding me just like how President Jin and his...his wife had misunderstood me."

"Oh?" Grandpa Lu's sharp eyes focused on her.

She did her best not to cower from the old man's penetrating gaze. It made her feel as if he could read her every thoughts which was causing her to panic.

'Calm down, Rose. There's no way the old man can read your thoughts. That's ridiculous! Just defend yourself and take back your CMO position. You can do this!'

Her mental pep talk to herself managed to somewhat calm her nerves but not entirely. She must persevere!

"Earlier when Sir Lu hasn't arrived yet, I was explaining to everyone here how my upbringing abroad contributed greatly to my current liberal personality which might be the reason why I somehow offended President Jin and...his wife. I already apologized for my unknowing blunder. All I ask is for President Jin, Sir Lu, and everyone here to give me a second chance. I'll prove to all of you that I deserve the CMO position in this company. Please, I request that you evaluate me based on the quality of my work, performance, and the results of the marketing department while I was the CMO in an objective manner."

"Hmmm..." Grandpa Lu stroked his perfectly groomed white mustache, appearing to silently deliberate about her case in his mind. He turned to Jin Liwei. "What do you say about what she said? You're the one who fired her. She says that it's all a misunderstanding. Is that true? Tell me, I want to know!"

Jin Liwei saw the glint in the old man's sharp eyes and knew that it was almost time to go for the kill.

"Of course, I fired Rose Young for a good reason. Jin Corporation always strives for excellence in the workplace. Someone who continuously shows improper behaviour and disrupts the professional environment we foster in this company is a liability. No matter how good a person is at her work, if she becomes this kind of liability that could corrupt the people working alongside her, then as the CEO, I have the responsibility to let go of such a person to protect the dignity of our company."

Rose Young started trembling, feeling indignant at what he said about her. He called her a liability? Someone who could corrupt the workplace?

Damn it!

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