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Chapter 221 - Stupid Grin

It felt like something exploded inside Jin Liwei's head. He actually blanked out for a few moments. It felt like he was sucked out of his body and then slammed back, making him reel from the shock. When he regained some of his senses, he thought that maybe he was hallucinating. Did his baby girl just say...?

"W-what?" He looked and sounded like he turned stupid.

Iris felt shy but seeing his reaction made her feel good. She liked that she could make him speechless. At the same time, she felt excited and could barely handle her racing heart. She forced herself to maintain eye contact with him which made her feel warm and fuzzy and giddy and...what was happening to her? Experiencing all of these feelings at the same time felt a little scary.

"Baby, what did you say?" he asked her again in nervous anticipation.

His whole body was tense. The hammering of his heart was so hard and wild that it showed in the pulse of his neck. It looked like there was a small creature trying to break out of his neck. If he wasn't wearing a shirt, his heartbeat would also be visible on his naked chest. He tightened his arms around her tiny waist.

"I...I think I'm falling in love with you," she said in a whisper, biting her lower lip. "Liwei, I feel so weird. I've never felt—umph!"

Her head was suddenly grabbed and her next words swallowed by a hot open-mouthed kiss. He was so intense, sucking hard and almost biting her lips, her tongue and everything inside her mouth. His tongue bullied her tongue, making her whimper and melt all over him.

All she could do was close her eyes and hold on to him, taking everything he was giving her. It felt like her whole body became alive and sensitive to his every touch, sending delicious electrical currents inside her. She shivered in delight.

The two of them weren't aware that they were moaning and making erotic noises. The living area became off-limits to the rest of the household.

Dom wanted to peek but his ears was pulled and twisted by Yi Mei, dragging him away to lecture him. The cook joined in scolding Dom, waving a spatula in a threatening manner.

Back in the living area, Iris snapped her head to the side, forcefully separating their locked mouths because she couldn't breathe. She gasped and dropped her head to his shoulder, feeling like her entire body just turned into jelly.

Dazed, she could hear Jin Liwei murmuring "I love you" over and over, as his mouth became hungrier for her. He allowed her to breathe, kissing her jaw, neck and shoulders instead.

"Alright, the horny couple over there. That's enough. Have you forgotten that you're not the only ones living here? What if Little Jun sees you? You wanna corrupt a kid that young?" a voice tried to interrupt them but failed.

Iris and Jin Liwei were so into each other that they didn't even notice or hear anything. Perhaps they heard something but their minds automatically treated it as unimportant background noise.

It was Iris who eventually noticed that something was amiss when she felt a dangerous aura coming from one direction. She stiffened and became alert, turning her head to the source of danger and saw her big brother wearing a scary expression.

"B-big Brother!" Iris tried to stand up but Jin Liwei embraced her in a vice-like grip. "Liwei darling, stop. Big Brother is here."

"Hm?" Jin Liwei nibbled on her neck before lifting his head to look at Lu Zihao. "Fifth Brother, you're back." He leaned back on the couch, not letting go of his baby girl on his lap. He was grinning like a stupid idiot.

Lu Zihao looked at them with cold eyes. He returned earlier than usual today, only to be greeted with such a sight as soon as the elevator door opened. Good thing he arrived when they were still wearing their clothes.

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