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Chapter 191 - Introducing The Boyfriend

The vehicle was now filled with Little Jun's cries. Iris sighed while Jin Liwei threw a cold look at Dom.

"Oh no, Junie boy! Please don't cry!"

It took a couple of minutes before Jiang Ying Yue and Dom managed to calm Little Jun. Dom frantically sang nonsense songs and made funny faces just to make the toddler laugh again.

Finally, the SUV stopped in front of the Long ancestral compound's massive gates.

"Whoa! Look at that!" Dom exclaimed. "It's like the setting from all those period dramas! Boss, this is your home?"

"No, it's not. It's my father's and will eventually become my elder brother's. The penthouse is my home, our home."

"Oh, right. Ehehe."

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes darkened as she looked at the towering walls and the massive gates. As a former bodyguard to Long Hui, she frequently entered the compound before.

They climbed out of the vehicle. Jin Liwei's two subordinates took out the baby stroller and the presents from the trunk. Since this was Jin Liwei's first time visiting, he prepared lavish presents for his future in-laws. He and Dom carried several big cloth bags containing numerous wrapped presents. There were so many that they had to put some on the stroller.

Jiang Ying Yue carried Little Jun in her arms. She looked very uneasy. It was obvious that she didn't want to let go of her baby. Iris didn't rush her, waiting patiently until Jiang Ying Yue was ready.

Finally, everyone was ready to go. They were just waiting for Jiang Ying Yue to let go of Little Jun. They were standing in front of the gates for more than five minutes now, but no one rushed her. The gates were already open for them. A guard waited for them to enter.

Reluctantly, she handed Little Jun to Iris.

"Please take care of him," she whispered.

"Of course," Iris replied.

Jiang Ying Yue kissed her son's forehead before backing away to join Jin Liwei's two subordinates.


Iris shook a rattle, distracting the toddler. The group quickly entered the compound before Little Jun noticed that his mother wasn't coming with them.

Jiang Ying Yue watched as the gates closed. As a bodyguard, she always had firm control of her emotions. However, ever since giving birth, she noticed that she had become more emotional. She knew that she would see her son again tonight when they returned, yet she still couldn't stop the panicked feeling inside of her. It was the fear of losing her son, of him being taken away from her.

Giving one last look at the compound, Jiang Ying Yue and Jin Liwei's two subordinates drove away back to the penthouse.

Inside the compound, Dom's head swivelled all around as he looked at everything. His loud and dramatic exclamations turned the quiet walk through the courtyards into an entertaining tour. Pushing the stroller loaded with the presents, Dom latched to the guard, asking him all sorts of questions about the place. The guard answered the hyperactive young man's questions to the best of his ability.

They frequently stopped to take photos. Of course, the role of photographer was dumped on the guard. At first, the guard was reluctant and only snapped photos using Dom's phone out of duty because of Iris' presence. But somewhere along the way, he got infected by Dom and became a loud chatterbox as well.

Iris and Jin Liwei walked behind the talkative duo. She carried Little Jun in her arms while Jin Liwei carried several bags of presents.

"Papa!" Little Jun called out, reaching his short little arms towards Jin Liwei.

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