1091 - 1100

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Chapter 1091 - Blood Test

In one of the mansion's lounge areas, three men were having a serious yet still casual conversation. On one side sat Jin Liwei with his lawyer, Atty. Kang Huizhong, while on the other side, the Chief of Police faced them.

"Have you found Rose Young's whereabouts yet?" Jin Liwei asked.

"Not yet," the Chief of Police replied in a neutral tone but Jin Liwei still noticed the flash of frustration in the older man's eyes.

"Even if Rose Young is not found yet, we are still going to continue pursuing legal action against her and all her accomplices in harming CEO Jin," Atty. Kang Huizhong said.

The Chief of Police nodded. "I'm personally in charge of this case. I assure you that I'll do everything in my power to punish all the wrongdoers in this case and give justice to whom it's due."

Both Jin Liwei and Atty. Kang Huizhong noticed that the Police Chief refrained from specifically referring to Rose Young and her minions as the wrongdoers or Jin Liwei as the one whom justice was due. It seemed that the man still harboured some doubts about Jin Liwei's version of the story.

Indeed, there were some holes in the story he concocted with his brother-in-law. He wasn't too worried about it though because his version of the story was definitely more believable than the ridiculous fantasy Rose Young fabricated.

Like hell he was having an affair with the woman. Disgusting!

He would rather castrate himself than to leave his wife for that kind of revolting woman.

Every time he remembered what the woman did while he was pretending to be unconscious, bile would rise to his throat. It was traumatizing.

Although the Chief of Police wasn't sharing the information to them, Jin Liwei knew that the chief received the videos ShaWn anonymously sent to the police showing Rose Young and her minions committing the crime. Eagle tampered with the hotel's surveillance system that time but his wife and AI son managed to recover all the tampered videos. Before Bacon went to sleep after the power flood, he sent all the surveillance video evidence to ShaWn.

As for the two depraved videos of Rose Young masturbating while he was pretending to be unconscious in the hotel bedroom that he and his brother-in-law recorded with their respective body cameras, ShaWn was still keeping them for now and would only release them at the right time to deal the most destructive damage.

"We have your medical certificate proving your injuries on file," the Chief of Police said. "But why didn't you get a blood test like I suggested?"

Jin Liwei didn't panic. He was already prepared to answer this question. With his passable acting skills, he sighed and showed a pained and worried expression. "To tell you the truth..." He sighed again and feigned reluctance in speaking more.

"What is it?" The Police Chief asked, frowning.

Jin Liwei made a show of gesturing to his lawyer to take over before leaning back on his seat and closing his eyes with a tense expression, as if the memory was too distressing to recall.

Atty. Kang Huizhong was in on the act, of course. As a renowned corporate lawyer, his acting skills were natural and steady. "CEO Jin, is it alright for us to share this matter to the Chief?"

"En, go ahead. The Chief is a man of integrity. We can trust him with this matter." Jin Liwei waved his hand, giving permission to his lawyer.

Atty. Kang Huizhong faced the older man. "Chief, my client was originally planning to have his blood test done but was unable to do so because of an emergency. That same night after speaking with you at the hotel, President Jin rushed to the hospital."

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