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Chapter 641 - Reigning Emperor

His mother's words woke Long Hui from his self-absorption. What the hell was he doing? Was he seriously considering Elder Long Meng's suggestion to "protect" his son by leaving him alone?

If Jiang Ying Yue was the only one raising their son by herself, then perhaps he would agree. But then, if that was the case, he wouldn't have left her in the first place. He would've married her and live a happy life raising their son together while also working on getting her pregnant again.

The problem was that she wasn't raising their son by herself. Xiulan and Jin Liwei were there interfering with their lives, hiding them, and also influencing them to distance themselves from him. How hateful!

Not to mention that fucker Lin Yehan! So what if he was an agricultural tycoon who was wealthier, more influential and stable than him? That was only right now. Once he became the next head of Long Industries, he would be closer in defeating that cheating motherfucker in terms of wealth and status. Lin Yehan was nothing more than a snake who stole another man's woman and child. How immoral!

His mother's words echoed inside his head.

Drop the custody case drop it drop it drop it drop it—


He would fight to the bitter end until he gained custody of his son. He would never become like his father who left his children alone, contenting himself with giving them generous financial support. And most importantly, he would never allow another man except for himself to become a father figure to his son. He already accepted Jin Liwei as his son's godfather but that was before he fell out with his sister Xiulan. Now all he wanted to do was punch Jin Liwei in the face for claiming to be his son's "papa". As for Lin Yehan, absolutely no fucking way!!! He would never allow that snake to obtain Jiang Ying Yue or his son.

"No, Mother. I won't drop the custody case." Long Hui's tone was final.

"You!" Zheng Suyin was once again enraged.

Long Meng was surprised that her persuasion didn't work. She was certain that just a few seconds ago, he was already on the verge of agreeing with her. Discontent filled her. The bastard child must not live with the young master. He would only become a hindrance to the young master's path of becoming the next head of the Longs. A firstborn illegitimate child would never be accepted because he would threaten the position of the true legitimate heir later on. This must not happen!

However, it would also not be good to lose the custody case if the young master was really determined to go through with it. Losing was not an option, especially since both the Longs and the Zhengs cared so much about face. If the young master had to do something, he needed to emerge victorious!

Zheng Suyin and Long Meng looked at each other. They knew with just a glance what each other's thoughts were regarding the matter.


"Mother, I've already made up my mind. It's useless to try to persuade me otherwise."

Zheng Suyin closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm her anger. When she opened her eyes, her cold expression had returned. "Fine. Since you're so insistent on taking responsibility for that bastard child, then so be it!"

Long Hui exhaled the breath he didn't notice that he was holding.

"Young Master Hui, are you confident in winning the custody case?" Long Meng asked.

"Of course my son is going to win! There's no way that he's going to allow himself to lose face in such a trivial case. Do you really think that a lowly slut like that bodyguard with such a poor background will win against my son, the firstborn and the true heir of Long Industries?"

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