1001 - 1010

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Chapter 1001 - Tamp It Down

The remnant spent almost an hour teasing Nikolai before exhausting itself and returning to rest in his consciousness. He, on the other hand, couldn't rest even if he wanted. His mind might have felt battered by everything that happened today but his body was still brimming with energy.

He felt so restless that he barely knew what to do to make himself feel better. No, that wasn't quite accurate. Actually, he knew what to do. In times like this, he would usually either find a woman to have sex with or train his body until it collapsed.

The first option wasn't possible at the moment because he was only craving for one woman—Long Jinjing. Having sex with other women no longer interested him. Or more accurately, he couldn't seem to get it up anymore for other women except for Long Jinjing. This would leave him with only the second option which was to train his body and exhaust it to the limit.

"Should I return to the headquarters and drag some people to spar with me? Yeah, let's do that."

With a clear destination in mind, he changed directions and took the route back to Shadow Winds' headquarters. It was almost midnight. The seemingly endless road made his thoughts start to wander and remember the remnant's words to him earlier.

"Impossible. There's no way that I'm in love. I, Nikolai Vetrov, have fallen in love?" He snorted and curled his lip, but his eyes reflected the turmoil of his emotions. "This is just lust. Yes, that's it. This lust should eventually go away on its own after sufficient time away from Jinjing has passed."

While he was trying to persuade himself, he failed to notice that he missed the way back to the headquarters and was automatically driving to another familiar route. When he finally realized what happened, his car was already parked in front of Long Jinjing's condo building.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

He was taken aback by his own distracted actions. The ringing of his phone snapped him to attention. He answered it.

"Boss Hao, is that you parked in front of Miss Jinjing's building?" It was Shun.

For a moment, Lu Zihao didn't know how to answer.

"Hello? Boss Hao? Huh? Did he hang up?"

Lu Zihao cleared his throat. "It's me. Wait a bit and come to my car to report."

"Understood, Boss!"

The call ended. Lu Zihao glanced at the condo building. Only a few units had their lights still on. This was a quiet neighbourhood and people here usually slept early and also woke up early. He found Long Jinjing's unit. Her bedroom light was still on. He frowned.

Why wasn't she asleep yet?

He was tempted to disregard his promise to stay away from her after their breakup and barge into her place. As soon as the thought entered his mind, however, he forcefully tamped it down. He glared at Long Jinjing's brightly lit bedroom window before driving away from the building and parking the car at the nearby children's playground.

About a couple of minutes later, there was a knock on the car window. Then Shun entered the car and sat in the passenger seat.

"The light in her bedroom is still on," Lu Zihao said, not waiting for his subordinate's greeting.

"Ah yes, Boss. About that. Miss Jinjing hasn't been turning the light off in her room at night."

Lu Zihao frowned.

"Ever since your breakup, Miss Jinjing sleeps with the light always turned on in her room."

Lu Zihao fell silent for a few seconds before asking, "Is she...alright?"

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