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Chapter 291 - Different Paths

Shadow Winds Headquarters.

While Iris' halted showbiz career started taking off again with the now socially relevant film "Strong Yet Broken" and her soundtrack album, Lu Zihao was busy gathering power and resources for his group.

The authorities remained lenient towards the Shadow Winds, still considering them a vigilante group. Although they were already starting to become warier of the group, they hadn't become antagonistic yet. For now, at least.

Security in the Shadow Winds compound was tightened. Things inside became more organized, even starting to give off a militaristic feel. Not only was the group growing in power as a whole, but each of the individual members were also growing stronger. Training took up most of their time.

Inside the control room, Lu Zihao was currently reviewing a failed mission and reprimanding the assigned team when the leader of his hacker team asked for permission to speak to him.

"What is it?" he asked.

The hacker looked around, feeling hesitant to speak about the matter in front of other people.

Lu Zihao understood. "Leave for now. I'll call you again later to continue our discussion," he instructed his subordinates.

When the two of them were the only ones left inside the room, the hacker handed him a tablet.

"Boss Hao, we finally found traces of the person writing the biography about the Vetrov family. He was moving from country to country in the Mediterranean. We first tracked him down in Spain, then in Morocco. From there, he moved through North Africa until we lost track of him somewhere in Egypt. It's very hard for us to pinpoint his exact locations. We can only track him down when he's in places where internet is available. Whenever he goes to rural areas, we completely lose track of him."

"He's being very careful." Lu Zihao's eyes narrowed as he viewed the investigation results of his hacker team on the tablet.

His team concluded that the person's identity must be fake. No matter how hard his hacker team tried, they couldn't dig through his fake background and uncover his real identity.

"We know that several powers are helping and protecting him," the hacker continued. "Some of them are from governments of different countries while others are from criminal groups. They are also the ones feeding information to him so that he can write the biography. We know that he's writing it under the orders of someone else but as to who, we have no leads yet at the moment."

Lu Zihao tapped the tablet screen. It showed a photo of a middle-aged white male who looked gentle and quite dignified. He didn't recognize the man. He examined the photo carefully, trying to find traces of plastic surgery.

If the man really had his looks altered, then his plastic surgeon did an excellent job. However, it might also be that this was the man's real appearance and that Lu Zihao had never met him before. If so, finding the real culprits of the Vetrovs' downfall and total annihilation would only become much more difficult.

"Boss Hao, it appears that this man is wealthy in his own right even without the assistance of the various powers protecting him. But since we already know that his current identity is fake, we can't determine the origins of his wealth. It also seems that he has other identities that he switches to when it's convenient. One of those identities is that of an American investigative journalist. This identity is probably the one he'll use when he publishes the biography. We're unsure of his true citizenship as the identity he was using before we lost track of him is that of a Spanish citizen."

Lu Zihao wasn't surprised. Fake identities were common in the Underworld. Even he had several ones in his past life as well.

"You mentioned that he has helpers from several governments. Are they authorized by their respective governments or are they acting independently?"

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