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Chapter 461 - The Return Of Lu Zihao Part III

Since Lu Zihao wasn't answering her questions about what he had been up to while he was gone, Iris decided to move on to another topic instead. She didn't want to annoy her big brother, especially since they hadn't seen each other for such a long time. She glanced at his people following some distance behind them.

They were men and women who also had a dangerous air about them like Lu Zihao. But of course, they couldn't compare to their boss' own aura. They might appear intimidating to regular people, but they were still considered tame compared to the Vetrovs' subordinates from the siblings' past lives. Their family organization's subordinates were cold-blooded and deadly human machines. Lu Zihao's current subordinates, however, still retained their humanity despite their dangerous aura.

"You bought a lot of people with you, Big Brother," Iris commented, as they continued walking along the hallways.

"Hmm... Yeah," Lu Zihao simply replied, not elaborating.

She didn't give up and continued asking him, hoping that he would at least give a satisfying answer even to just one of her questions.

"Why do you need so many people? Are they staying here, too? Do you need that much protection? You're really doing something dangerous, aren't you? Wait, how long are you going to stay here? Don't tell me you're leaving again soon?"

He chuckled at her insistent questioning.

"Yes, some of them will be staying here with me. The others will just visit on a regular basis. I already informed your Jin Liwei, and he gave permission to allow them to stay here. Don't worry about them too much, little sister. They're just my training partners to strengthen this weak-ass body of mine. I need to train it regularly because it's the type of body that degenerates quickly if I don't keep it active. So pathetic. And yes, I'll be staying here for a while so don't worry," he told her.

Iris' eyes lit up after hearing that he would be staying this time and wouldn't leave so soon.

She didn't even notice that he didn't reply to her question about doing something dangerous. She just felt happy to be with her big brother again.

"Really? That's great, Big Brother! Liwei is at work right now, but my friends are here. Come, I'll introduce you to the ones you haven't met yet," she told him. "And we have something new here. Liwei built me an indoor forest to celebrate our first anniversary. It's now one of my top favourite places to relax here at the mansion. I think you'll like it, too."

Lu Zihao gave his excited sister a sidelong glance while allowing himself to be pulled along by her. It was obvious how much she loved Jin Liwei by her expression whenever she mentioned his name. Although Lu Zihao already accepted and approved of their relationship, there was still a small part of him that wanted to punch Jin Liwei in the face. It was just a natural urge stemming from his protectiveness of his sister.

The moment he envisioned punching Jin Liwei in the face, a small twinge inside him protested.

'Oh, shut up!' he scolded the annoying presence inside him.

The intangible presence inside him gave a silent harrumph before settling down.

Iris' phone vibrated. It was a text message sent by Ketchup. It said:

"[cute kitty emoji] Mommy, Uncle's people have surrounded the entire property and have begun patrolling with Daddy's subordinates. Ketchup is waiting for Mommy's instruction on what to do about them. [a cuter kitty emoji]"

The message was written in Hausa, a language Lu Zihao wasn't familiar with. He glanced at the message. When he didn't understand what was written, he lost interest. He had no idea that it was about him.

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