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Chapter 731 - Double The Blessings

Not wasting any time in thinking deeply about it, Jin Liwei kissed his baby girl on the lips and swallowed whatever weird grievance she had about him which, by the way, he was sure he didn't do. She only froze for about a second in surprise before melting in his arms. He felt her sigh in satisfaction inside his mouth, prompting him to double, no, triple his efforts. The goal was to kiss her brains out until she forgot what she was crying about.

And lo and behold!

It worked!


There was a sweet smile on her lips when the kiss ended. Then she laid her head on his chest and cuddled with him. If she were a cat, Jin Liwei had no doubt in mind that she would be purring by now. Despite this, he didn't immediately relax. He was already learning quickly that mood swings came out of nowhere and smacked one in the face with vengeance when one least expected it. With a tense body, he sat still and waited for her to go off another weird tangent about an imaginary fault of his.

One minute...

Two minutes...

She took a deep inhale of his scent, closed her eyes with a satisfied expression, and went to sleep. It was only when her breathing became deep and regular that Jin Liwei released a huge sigh of relief.

It was a crude method but kissing her brains out to shut her up seemed very effective. This time, at least. His lips curved up when he thought about it.

He looked down at her beautiful sleeping face and his smile deepened. Even though she almost drove him crazy with her wild mood swings in less than 24 hours, he couldn't help but love her even more. His gaze dropped from her face down her body. Unable to stop himself, he reached out a hand and touched her still flat belly. His babies were inside there.

Holy. Shit.

He was going to be a father!

Unlike her, there wasn't an ounce of apprehension in him at the thought of becoming a parent. On the contrary, he felt extremely excited. He couldn't wait until his babies were born. He was looking forward to meeting them and learning if they looked more like him or her or maybe a mixture both.

His mind became filled with this kind of wonderful thoughts and somewhat numbed the deep, throbbing pain of his injuries. Dropping a kiss on his baby girl's forehead, his eyes drooped close and he began sleeping as well.


Dragon Palace Home #10.

Later that evening, Iris and Jin Liwei retired to their bedroom. Today was like a roller coaster ride for both of them—physically, emotionally and mentally. Despite the bone-deep tired feeling weighing down on them, there was a lively excitement thrumming deep within themselves which gave them enough energy for a smile.

Iris led Jin Liwei to the bathroom and looked at him with wide eyes filled with wonder. "Twins, darling. We're going to have twins!"

"En." He reached out and tucked a lock of long hair behind her ear. "Twins mean double the blessings."

She nodded which made him smile. He studied her expression and was glad to see no signs of fear anymore. Wonder and excitement lit up her face instead. This was good. He hoped that she would feel this way everyday so that she could forget all about her fear of becoming a bad mother. [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please read this novel on W e b n o v e l. Thank you! -Arria Cross]

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